Set properties in Tracker

Set properties in Tracker

You can configure the way Tracker looks and behaves by configuring settings within:

Most properties settings are automatically saved, so Tracker remembers them in subsequent sessions (see Tracker fundamentals). You can also save a specific set of properties settings using the System Settings menu on the Tracker toolbar. System settings include all configurable properties in the app including settings for any devices connected to the system but does not include any object-specific properties as these are handled by its tracking configuration (Manage tracking configurations). Also, any changes to preferences (Settings > Preferences) and hot keys (Settings > Show Hot Keys) are saved in their own respective files.

As noted in Tracker fundamentals, remember that system settings files are only used to import saved settings and only the active settings files are always saved to the same files (eg, system files are saved to AutoSave.system and LastRun.system).

The following topics describe the general behavior of settings in a panel or Workspace and how to change them. For more information about specific properties in each panel, see Configuring your Vicon Tracker system.

Panel settings

To configure settings in a Tracker panel:

  1. Select the relevant panel or open the dialog box containing the properties you want to configure:

    • For system components such as cameras and connectivity units, click the System panel, then click the required component and change its properties in the pane below.

    • For tracking objects, on the Tracking panel, click the required object, click the Properties pane below and change the object's properties as required.

      To save object-specific properties, make sure you save a tracking configuration (see Manage tracking configurations).

  2. To display only basic properties or to display all properties, select the Advanced Parameters toggle at the top right of the Properties pane.

  3. In the Properties pane, view or change the setting for the required property:
    • Select or clear a check box to switch the property on or off.
    • Click the current color in the entry field to display the Set color dialog box. In the Basic colors area, click the square for the required color, or in the Custom colors area, define a new color.
    • Click the drop-down arrow and select an entry from the list.
    • Move the slider to the left to decrease the value or to the right to increase the value displayed in the entry field.
    • Overtype the existing value.
  4. To return a setting to its default value, at the right of the relevant line in the panel, click the context menu button and select Set to default. To set all values in the panel to their defaults, click the Default Parameters button at the top right of the panel.

    (tick) Tip: In the Processing panel, any parameter that has been changed from its default value is indicated by text in bold and italics.

Workspace settings

For view options, in the Workspace view pane, click View Filters. For more information, see Set appropriate view filters.

Graph Plots settings

For information on displaying the required data in a Graph Plots view, see Graphing your data.

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