About the menu bar
The Vicon Tracker menu bar contains these menus.
Menu | Options | Description |
File | Exit | Closes the Tracker application window. If you have not saved any changes, Tracker displays a prompt to enable you to save changes before it closes. |
Edit | Undo (Ctrl+Z) | Undoes the last action. This command is available only when using the object manipulator (see change an object's origin). |
Redo (Ctrl+Y) | Reinstates the previously undone action. This command is available only after an Undo command has been performed. | |
View | Add Floating Workspace | Opens a separate floating view pane. |
Camera Calibration | Displays or hides the Camera Calibration panel, which enables you to calibrate your Vicon cameras. For more information, see Calibrating Vicon cameras. Default: Selected |
Capture | Displays or hides the Capture panel, which enables you to specify the location and settings for data capture. This includes genlock and timecode information for the current session. For more information, see Capturing data. Default: Not selected |
Connections | Displays or hides the Connections panel, which displays currently connected clients. For more information, see Extending your use of Vicon Tracker. Default: Not selected |
Log | Displays or hides the Log in which you view the state of your Vicon Tracker system. For more information, see Monitoring system activity. Default: Selected |
Processing | Displays or hides the Processing panel, which enables you to change settings for object tracking, camera healing, performance tuning, reconstruction, and output. For more information, see Configure system processing parameters. Default: Not Selected |
Review | Displays or hides theReview panel, which displays all captures available to review. For more information, see Reviewing data. | |
System | Displays or hides the System panel, in which you manage the components of your Vicon Tracker system. For more information, see Configure system settings. Default: Selected |
System Health Report | Displays or hides theSystem Health Report panel, which displays key metrics to evaluate the current health of the system. See System Health Report. | |
Tracking | Displays or hides the Tracking panel, in which you view, create and manage objects. For more information, see Setting up object tracking. | |
Workspace |
Displays or hides the Workspace view panes. For more information, see Viewing system data.
Settings | Preferences (Shift+P) | Displays the Preferences dialog box, in which you can set default folder locations, specify default behavior for general options, set preferences for notifications and for object evaluation (see Understand object evaluation). |
Show Hotkeys (Shift+H) | Displays the Hot Keys dialog box, in which you can view, change and save Vicon Tracker hot keys, and load a saved hot key configuration. For more information, see Mouse actions and keyboard shortcuts. | |
Control Authorizations | Displays the Manage Control Authorizations dialog box, in which you can revoke all stored Control authorizations (see also Use the Vicon Control app with Tracker). | |
Help | View Latest Help on docs.vicon.com | Opens the online Vicon Tracker Help system. |
View Installed Help | Opens a PDF of the Vicon Tracker User Guide that was installed with Tracker. | |
Check for Updates | Checks the currently installed version of Tracker and enables you to update it if necessary. | |
Check for Firmware Updates | Opens the Firmware dialog box, which lets you know if your firmware needs updating. | |
Licensing | Opens the Vicon Product Licensing dialog box, which enables you to manage licenses. See License Vicon Tracker in Installing and licensing Vicon Tracker. | |
Third Party Licenses | Displays required third-party license agreements and copyright notices. | |
About Vicon Tracker | Displays the Vicon Tracker startup screen, in which you can view version information about the installed release of Tracker. |
The Vicon Tracker menu bar also contains these controls and components:
System Settings list
Enables you to view and select any saved settings files. The settings that are saved mainly control data capture or processing. The System Settings list also enables you to open the Manage System Settings dialog box, where you can import, save, and manage settings that you control in the System panel. For more information, seeView Settings list
Enables you to view and select the supplied Default tracking, Capture and Camera Calibration window layouts of the workspace and panels, and any saved customized layouts. Also enables you to open the Manage View Settings dialog box, where you can import, save, and manage view settings files. The settings that are saved are those affecting panel visibility, geometry and settings that only affect the Tracker UI (graph settings, View Filters settings for 3D View/Cameras view and the last opened folder paths). For more information, seeWindows power settings and firmware update icons
In addition to the menus and lists displayed on the Tracker menu bar, you may also see icons that alert you to the current status of your Windows power settings and/or Vicon firmware.
To display more information, hover the mouse pointer over the icon and, if required, click the icon to display additional dialog boxes.
See also Update system firmware and Windows power options monitoring.
Indication of current system status
To remind you of the current mode, when Tracker is in the following states, the menu bar displays the appropriate descriptive text:
- Video preview
- Masking
- Calibration
- Review mode