Known issues in Vicon Tracker 4.1

Known issues in Vicon Tracker 4.1

The following issues are known to exist in Tracker 4.1:

Issue Workaround

If you want to export a CSV file from a capture, the export filename field will always default to the name of the Review. This can cause issues if you export a CSV more than once from the same Review.

When you successfully export a csv file, the filename doesn't increment by 1.

Prior to saving, Tracker prompts you to confirm that you want to overwrite.
If a selected CSV export range contains a section where no data is present (for example, if you paused the live data shortly after the session started), instead of trimming the range to the part of the trace(s) that contains data, the output CSV file contains the whole selected range, resulting in NaN (Not a Number) entries. Before export, pause the live data and select the required range.

When manually setting the review path, you cannot specify a network directory.

Download the data to a local directory and use that path for the review path
When reviewing a capture, you will not see any camera rays in the 3D View. None
If you have a floating panel and dock another panel into that same floating window, you cannot dock both back into the original GUI. Dock each panel individually.
Some settings in the Capture pane > Auto Capture section cannot be 'set to default' individually.

Use Default Parameters at the top of panel, but note that this resets all parameters in the panel.

Pinned channels can become hidden if their original source is renamed or removed. No workaround but try to ensure all sources are removed from channel key prior to renaming/removing objects.
View filters in the Objects view do not persist. None
If any filename matches the current Capture Name specified in the Capture panel, the Start Capture button is unavailable. Remove the file or rename the capture.
In Graph Plots, channels relating to the centroid count (Centroid Count and System Centroid count) are not displayed in Review mode. None
If you select a genlock standard (eg, PAL: 25Hz) in System Settings, the frame rate changes to the nearest multiple of that standard even if the parameter is not enabled. Set genlock standard to None.
Occasionally, the Preferences dialog may not open properly Re-launch the app

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