About the Log

About the Log

The Log consists of a single pane, which, by default, is displayed below the Workspace. It displays a continual update of Tracker system activity since start up, as well as feedback on some motion capture and processing operations. If you contact Vicon Support to report an issue, you may be asked for log information.

If required, you can resize this pane, detach it from its current location, and move it to another location within the Tracker window.

The Log contains the following information:

Information type Description

The timestamp for the operation being executed in the date + time format (yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss:fff format

Note: +1 after the time denotes that the current time standard is in Daylight Savings Time

Level Severity level of the message, which can be (from low to high in severity):
Info (white), Warning (yellow), Error (red)
Category The general Tracker function being performed, for example Capture, System, etc.
Text The specific action and its success or failure.

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