


Sets labeling options that control how a label is applied to a trajectory, which character is being labeled, what label is being applied, etc.

This command is executed when options are changed in the Label Options section of the Labeling panel.

This command adds some functionality that is not in the Labeling panel and may be useful to hot key or add to a marking menu.

Functional area

Data editing

Command syntax


labelOptions [-nextChar] [-prevChar] [-charParent] [-nextLabel] [-prevLabel] [-mode string] [-direction string] [-type string] [-advance boolean] [-curChar string] [-curLabel string] [-cliffTol float] [-cliffMaxGap integer] [-hide boolean] [-labelRadiusOffset float] [-unlabelRadiusOffset float] [-loadActors boolean] [-snapToSelection] [-nextUnlabeled] [-prevUnlabeled] [-autoVelocity boolean] [-advanceUnlabeled boolean] [-followSelection boolean] [-restoreDefaultSettings]





NameFlag argumentsArgument typeExclusive toComments
nextChar0prevChar, charParent, curCharSets the character to be labeled to the next character.
prevChar0nextChar, charParent, curCharSets the character to be labeled to the previous character.
charParent0nextChar, prevChar, curCharSets the character parent of the first selected marker to be the character to be labeled.
nextLabel0prevLabel, curLabel, nextUnlabeled, prevUnlabeledSets the name the unlabeled marker is labeled as to the next label in the list.
prevLabel0nextLabel, curLabel, nextUnlabeled, prevUnlabeledSets the name the unlabeled marker is labeled as to the previous label in the list.
mode1stringSpecifies how the current label advances through the labels list after applying a labeling.
direction1stringSpecifies if a label made at the current frame is extended to the trajectory start and/or end frames.
type1stringSpecifies how a label made at the current frame extends to the trajectory start and end. If the markers are packed, also specifies if the label applies to other trajectories on the marker being labeled.
advance1booleanSpecifies if the current label in the label list advances after performing a label.
curChar1stringnextChar, prevChar, charParentSpecifies the character to label by name. If you specify a subject other than the current one, the Use Current Subject in the Labeling panel is cleared.
curLabel1stringnextLabel, prevLabelSpecifies the current label to apply to the selected marker by name.
cliffTol1floatSpecifies the allowable amount of acceleration between frames for a trajectory to be considered continuous when labeling using cliff mode.
cliffMaxGap1integerSpecifies the max number of frames without data between trajectories on the marker being labeled for the labeler to label both trajectories. Only applies when using cliff mode.
hide1booleanHides or shows the Labeling panel.
labelRadiusOffset1floatPoint size offset applied to markers when labeled.
Point size offset applied to markers when unlabeled.
loadActors1booleanSpecifies if characters with names Actor_* are available for labeling.
snapToSelection0Sets the current character to the character parent of the selected marker and sets the current label to the name of the selected marker.
nextUnlabeled0nextLabel, prevLabel, curLabel, prevUnlabeledSets the current label to the next label that is not already labeled.
prevUnlabeled0nextLabel, prevLabel, curLabel, nextUnlabeledSets the current label to the previous label that is not already labeled.
autoVelocity1booleanSpecifies if a velocity label operation should be performed after a label is applied.
advanceUnlabeled1booleanSpecifies if the current label in the labels list should auto advance to the next unlabeled label after a label is applied.
followSelection1booleanSpecifies if the current label in the labels list should automatically match the current select as selection changes in the scene.

Return value




// Set up the labeler to label the character named Bob using the 
// cliff setting. 
labelOptions -curChar "Bob";
labelOptions -type "Cliff";

Additional information

Related commands

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