


Sets the options for object tracking.

These options match those on the Object Tracking tab in the Processing panel.

Functional area

Data Editing

Command syntax


objectTrackingOptions [-reprojectionThreshold float] [-entranceThreshold float] [-minObjectMarkerSeparation integer] [-motionModelEnabled boolean] [-objectTrackingLevel string] [-numThreads integer] [-reset]




NameArgument typeComments
reprojectionThresholdFloatMax allowable distance (pixels, default 1.25) between a centroid and the projection of a marker into the same camera. Applies only to markers tracked with the Object Tracker. If you need to increase the Environmental Drift Tolerance (see reconstructOptions), increase this value accordingly.
entranceThresholdFloatMax proportion of markers (default 1) that must be visible to the cameras before an object is booted.
minObjectMarkerSeparationIntegerMin allowable separation between objects (mm, default 10) based on the smallest distance between a marker on each object.
motionModelEnabledBooleanIf enabled (default disabled), stationary objects do not have pose jitter arising from image noise.
objectTrackingLevelstringSpecifies whether grayscale should be used to improve object tracking (default UseGrayscale). Options are:
  • Standard
  • UseGrayscale (the .x2d must contain grayscale data)
  • ObjectTrackingOnly (the .x2d must contain grayscale data and allows lower quality centroids)
numThreadsintegerNumber of threads used by the object tracker (default 0). For auto settings, set to 0.

Return value



// These examples show each of the three values 
// to which you can set objectTrackingLevel.
objectTrackingOptions -objectTrackingLevel "Standard";
objectTrackingOptions -objectTrackingLevel "UseGrayscale";
objectTrackingOptions -objectTrackingLevel "ObjectTrackingOnly";

Additional information

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