


Use to read a vector from a file. Command will fail if at the end of the file.

The following is a listing of the different cast types. Note that data can be lost when casting. 'Signed' means the value can be negative. 'Unsigned' means value will always be positive.

cReads a series of signed characters, or signed 8-bit (1 byte) values, and converts them to floats
ucReads a series of unsigned characters, or unsigned 8-bit (1 byte) values, and converts them to floats
sReads a series of signed short integers, or signed 16-bit (2 bytes) values, and converts them to floats
usReads a series of unsigned short integers, or unsigned 16-bit (2 bytes) values, and converts them to floats
iReads a series of signed integers, or signed 32-bit (4 bytes) values, and converts them to floats
uiReads a series of unsigned integers, or unsigned 32-bit (4 bytes) values, and converts them to floats
fReads a series of floating point values, a 32-bit (4 byte) values, and converts them to floats

Functional area

Disk I/O

Command syntax


readVec fileID[-delim string] [-cast string]


ID of file previously opened with fileOpen


NameFlag argumentsArgument typeExclusive toComments
delim1stringDelimiter to expect between vector channel values. Cannot be used with binary files. Usually"," or "\t", etc.
cast1stringData type to cast to. Possible types are listed above. Note that data can be lost when casting data.

Return value



vector $vec;
int $fileID;
int $fileID = `fileOpen "C:/FileTesting.txt" "r"`;
// Read the vector
// The -delims flag assumes you are reading from a text file 
$vec = `readVec $fileID -delim ","`;
fileClose $fileID;
// Display the value
print $vec;

Additional information

Related commands

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