The following issues are known to exist in this release.
(For information on CGM2 issues, see Known issues for CGM2 in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide.)
Issue | Workaround |
The current method of setting up a hardware trigger for AMTI force plates in Nexus no longer works. | Ensure that the AMTI amplifier that receives the sync signal is amplifier 1 in NetForce. To do this, complete the steps in Set a hardware trigger for AMTI force plates in the Vicon Nexus User Guide. |
Due to an issue with the Noraxon VDD, disabling EMG channels in Nexus is not supported and if attempted, a summation of all the channels is produced. | Do not disable EMG channels in Nexus. Instead, if some sensors are not needed for the measurement, go to the Device Setup and turn them off by deleting the relevant EMG channels from the hardware list. For further details, see Deactivate Noraxon EMG channels in the Vicon Nexus User Guide. |
If you change the frame rate while Enable Preview Mode is selected, the camera sometimes stops contributing data, its icon in the System pane turns gray and the Cameras view goes blank. | Set the frame rate before you select Enable Preview Mode. |
In systems that include both Vicon Vantage cameras and Vue video cameras, if the Vues are activated when Enable Preview Mode is selected in Nexus, the video preview for the Vantage camera(s) displays black frames. | While you're using Video Preview mode, deactivate any Vue video cameras in the system. |
When using Video Preview mode with Vantage cameras, the strobe is automatically turned off and the preview displayed may be too dark to see clearly. | When using Video Preview mode with Vantage cameras, manually turn the strobe on. |
If you have a 32-bit version of Nexus 2.12 or earlier installed together with a 64-bit version of Nexus on the same machine, and set the value for the Local Vicon System property, Buffer Size, in the later version of Nexus to a value higher than 1024 MB, when you try to connect the 32-bit version to the live system, Nexus stops responding. | Contact Vicon Support regarding replacing your system file. |
If you select multiple FLIR cameras in Nexus, right-click and then click Reboot, some cameras are not rebooted and in the System panel, they are displayed with yellow warning icons. For each camera that did not reboot, an error is displayed in the Log. | Re-select the FLIR cameras that failed to reboot and reboot them again. |
When using Auto Capture Setup to specify settings for data capture, if you are using FLIR cameras and set Capture before start to more than 1 second, capture fails and an error message is displayed. | When using FLIR cameras, do not set Capture before start to a value greater than 1s. |
When more than four video camera views are displayed at the same time in offline mode, a noticeable lag occurs in the views during playback. The performance of the data capture is unaffected. | During playback or when scrubbing in the time bar, do not display more than four video camera views with the 3D Perspective view. |
If you run the Autolabel Static pipeline operation on a trial that contains multiple subjects, only one of the marker sets is labeled, and the labeling ignores which subject is selected. | Use manual labeling instead of the Autolabel Static pipeline operation. |
If you directly connect a Tobii recorder to the network card on the PC using an Ethernet network cable, start Nexus and add Tobii Pro Glasses 3 as a digital device, and then unplug the Ethernet cable from the recording unit and plug it back in, Tobii Pro Glasses 3 don't reconnect to Nexus and an error is displayed: Source data unavailable. This issue may also occur when you initially connect a Tobii recorder directly via Ethernet, if the Tobii Pro recorder is turned on before you start Nexus. | If, after you've started Nexus, you need to disconnect a Tobii recorder that is connected via Ethernet to the network card on the PC, after reconnecting the Tobii recorder, turn the recorder off and then turn it on again. |
If USB3 cameras are physically connected (ie, plugged in) when you start up the PC, some cameras may only work at 16 Hz max. | Unplug the affected cameras and plug them back in. |
If you are using a FLIR camera, when you start masking or calibrating, and also when masking or calibration ends, a warning may be briefly displayed informing you that the DV camera is not set to a valid frame rate. | None. This is expected behavior: masking and calibrating are unaffected and the warning quickly disappears. |
If you have opened Theia outside of Nexus, and then try to run Theia processing through Nexus, the trials are not processed. | Before running Theia processing from Nexus, close any other instances of Theia that are currently running. |
When you're using Tobii Pro Glasses 3, if the glasses are disconnected from an Ethernet connection and then reconnected, in Nexus, the device continues to be displayed as not contributing (with a gray Play icon) and it stops sending data. | To return the device to full functionality, perform a manual resync. To do this: In the Nexus System tree, right-click Local Vicon System and then click Resynchronize. |
The sample rate value for AMTI Force Plates displayed in the System tree doesn't match the Acquisition rate that is selected in the Properties of the AMTI Devices Controller. Except in the case of the initial value, the sample rate that is displayed in the System tree is the last selected Acquisition rate, not the current rate. | In the Properties of the AMTI Devices Controller, temporarily change the value (up or down) for Fz Threshold. The sample rate for the force plates in the System tree changes to match the selected Acquisition rate of the AMTI Devices Controller. |
When you select a connected Delsys Trigno EMG digital device and in its Properties, set the Trigger Mode to Triggered and then configure the correct sync port, the Delsys device disconnects, and in the System tree, its icon goes gray. Devices do not reconnect until you set the Trigger Mode back to Not Triggered. |
When you're using a Blue Trident sensor to capture movement, and have Global Angle selected, global angles are streamed, but both global angles and 9-axis raw data is captured to the sensor. | None |
When you're using Vicon Blue Trident sensors, at high device counts, some sensors begin to drop packets, so some flickering may be observed in the view pane. | When working with a large number of sensors, reduce the Bluetooth stream rate or the number of enabled axes. This issue does not affect the data recorded to the device. |
If you drag the Report Options pane to outside of the Nexus Quick Reports window and release the mouse button, then try to drag it back, it does not re-attach inside the Nexus Quick Reports window. | To restore the Report Options pane to its previous docked location, double-click its title bar, then drag it to the required position within the Nexus Quick Reports window. |
The Nexus Quick Reports window does not have a Close button. | To close the window, press F4. |
A crash can occur if any Noraxon EMG error messages are not dismissed before shutting down Nexus. | Dismiss all Noraxon EMG error messages before exiting Nexus. |
When run via the Run Python operation, the Load Trial command in the Python SDK is not able to load a trial. | Run the Python script from IDE or command line. |
Device drivers for Cometa/Wave depend on your Windows version. | For Windows 10 device drivers, contact Cometa. |
When the system frame rate is set above 80Hz, if you enable Preview mode, no preview is displayed for Vicon Vantage cameras (the Camera view is blank). | To use Preview mode with Vantage cameras, select a system frame rate below 80Hz. |
When you right-click the Devices node on the System Resources pane, the required digital device is not available in the Add Digital Device menu. | When you install the relevant plug-in, ensure that the VDD is correctly installed to the folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\Nexus2.x\DigitalDevices64\ |
Noraxon Telymyo DTS device halts camera and analog data delivery when Noraxon devices are housed/not charged. | Digital devices now have an Enabled parameter in their Properties pane. To prevent a given manufacturer's plugin from holding up the rest of Nexus, clear Enabled for ALL devices from that manufacturer. |
Unable to run legacy Static Gait Model under Japanese Windows. Log entry reads: No parameter file found | The legacy Plug in Gait model does not support international character sets. Instead of using the legacy Plug-in Gait model, use the Nexus 2 replacement gait model (found under Data Processing pipeline operations: Process Static Plug-in Gait Model and Process Dynamic Plug-in Gait Model). |
Export c3d at the end of a pipeline does not clear the trial and leaves the trial with a dirty flag (*). | The Export C3D operation does not write out the subjects associated with the trial. To remove the dirty flag on a trial, save the entire trial, which saves all associated files (x2d, xcp, etc), using the Save Trial - C3D + VSK operation. |
Video capture duration can be limited directly after deletion from SSD storage. | After deleting your video files, wait a few seconds before starting your next capture. This is because some Solid State Drives require a few seconds to recover full Write speed after file deletion. |
Spaces in variable names can cause BodyLanguage to fail. | When creating subject parameters for use in BodyLanguage modeling, use underscores instead of spaces. |
Nexus can suffer many problems if Eclipse databases are created in locations that are Read-only. These problems range from data silently failing to save to crashes. | NEVER create Eclipse databases in locations that require administrator privileges to read or write. |
Starting a capture very soon after a change to the system frame rate, or a resynchronization, can result in erratic capture behavior (failure or dropped frames). | Avoid starting captures soon after changing the hardware setup. |