Deactivate Noraxon EMG channels
Due to an issue with the Noraxon VDD, deactivating EMG channels in Nexus is not supported and if attempted, a summation of all the channels is produced. If some sensors are not needed for the measurement, do not deactivate EMG channels in Nexus, but go to the Device Setup and turn them off by deleting the relevant EMG channels from the hardware list. To do this, complete the following steps.
Under Local Vicon System, expand Devices and select the Ultium EMG.
In the Properties below, click Device Setup.
In the Hardware Setup dialog, select the Ultium in the pane on the right and then click Configure.
In the next dialog, ensure the required sensors have been detected, select the ones you want to deactivate, click Delete and then click OK.
In the Properties pane for the relevant sensors, ensure the sensors remain selected in Nexus (ie, do not clear Enabled).