Configure Vicon hardware in Nexus

Configure Vicon hardware in Nexus

The first time you use your Vicon Nexus system, you must configure the Vicon cameras, connectivity units, and any supported third-party devices such as digital video cameras, force plates, or EMG devices. After this, you only need to change the system setup in Nexus if you change your hardware configuration or if you need different system settings, for example, a different camera frequency.

You can save your system settings in a configuration file so that you can re-use or modify them later. You can create any number of system configuration files. You can then load the appropriate file for a particular type of motion capture application. For more information, see Manage configurations in Vicon Nexus.

When you start Nexus, it automatically detects all the hardware currently connected to your Vicon system, and groups them into several different categories. You configure the Vicon system hardware and system-wide parameter and data processing settings on the System tab in the Resources pane (referred to as the System Resources pane).

Basic setup information for each type of hardware that is likely to be present in a Vicon Nexus system is included in the following topics:

If your system contains more than one Vicon Lock, or if you want to change the automatically assigned synchronization source, also see Change the synchronization source.

If you are not sure whether your firmware is up-to-date or if you have received an email from Vicon Support about updating your firmware, see the instructions on how to Update firmware.

Change the synchronization source

The node for the device designated as the Vicon system synchronization source, which is responsible for providing the main synchronization signal to the system, is highlighted in bold in the System Resources tree. Depending on the age of your Vicon system and the connectivity devices it includes, Vicon Nexus automatically designates the synchronization source:

  • If a Vicon Lock is included in the system, it is automatically designated as the synchronization source.

  • If the system does not contain a Lock, then a Vicon camera is automatically designated as the synchronization source.

  • If the system contains more than one Lock, you must ensure that the connectivity unit that is connected to the PC (known as the primary unit) is the synchronization source. However, because Vicon software cannot detect which connectivity unit is connected to the PC, you may need to change the automatically selected source.

To change the synchronization source:

  1. At the top of the System tab, click Local Vicon System to select it.

  2. At the top of the Properties pane, click Show Advanced.

  3. In the System section of the Properties pane, click the Preferred Sync Source list and then choose the required synchronization source from the list.

Update firmware

Each Vicon camera and connectivity unit is programmed with firmware to control its operation. Periodically, Vicon supplies firmware updates to correct or improve device functionality. You apply these firmware updates to your Vicon devices via the Vicon Ethernet network using the Vicon Firmware Manager, as described below.

Note that in versions of Nexus earlier than Nexus 2.15, the Vicon Firmware Update Utility performs the same function as Vicon Firmware Manager and is used in the same way.

For versions of Nexus 2.8 and later, you are automatically notified when any component of your Vicon system is running out-of-date firmware, and given the opportunity to update to the latest version. (For information about updating firmware for earlier versions of Nexus, see the earlier Nexus documentation.)


To ensure optimum performance and access to all the latest functionality, Vicon recommends that you upgrade to the latest firmware whenever it becomes available.

To monitor and/or upgrade system firmware:

  1. When you start Nexus or connect any Vicon devices into your system, Nexus checks to see whether the firmware for all your devices is up-to-date.
    If your devices aren’t using the latest firmware, Nexus displays an icon in the toolbar to let you know that a more up-to-date version of the firmware is available:

  2. Click on the icon to display more information.
    Nexus displays a prompt that enables you to open the Vicon Firmware Manager (reprogramming tool).

  3. Click Yes to open the Vicon Firmware Manager. Note that you can also open the Vicon Firmware Manager from the Start menu (select Vicon > Vicon Firmware Manager) and the Nexus Help menu (Help > Check for firmware updates).
    Nexus closes and the Vicon Firmware Manager is displayed, showing all the connected devices and their current firmware version.
    By default, all devices are selected.

For information on using the Firmware Manager, see the Vicon Firmware Manager Quick Start Guide.

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