System tab

System tab

The System tab in the Resources pane enables you to manage the components of your Vicon system.

The System tab contains the following sections.

System configuration management

You create or manage configurations for the settings on the System tab using the configuration management section at the top of the pane. This section is displayed when Nexus is in Live or Pause mode (click the Go Live button or the Pause button).

This enables you to save any changes you make to the settings on the System tab to a configuration file, with the extension .System. You can then re-use your saved configuration file as required, for example, you could save different system settings for each type of motion capture application that you use.

In addition to creating customized Systems configurations, the Configuration menu button enables you to rename, import, reload and delete configurations and refresh the list.

System Resources tree

You select the node for the system component you want to configure in the Resources tree on the System tab (the nodes displayed depend on the current system connection mode and connected system components):

Node Description
Local Vicon System Displayed in Live mode only. Enables you to view and/or control the Vicon system capture rate and the Nexus memory buffer size; real-time processing settings; and the identification and connection settings for the Nexus host PC.
The Local Vicon System node contains sub nodes for each device connected to your Vicon system under the following nodes:
  • Vicon Cameras
  • Vicon Connectivity
  • Video Cameras
  • Devices (including force plates, accelerometers, EMG, Dikablis eye tracker, etc)
The node for the device designated as the Vicon system synchronization master is highlighted in bold in the System Resources tree. For more information, see Change the synchronization master in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
For more information on this node, see Local Vicon System node.
Vicon Data Displayed in Offline mode only. The details for cameras and capture devices in your Vicon system that were used for a previously saved motion capture trial. For more information, see Vicon Data node.
Vicon Cameras The identification and configuration settings for each Vicon camera connected to your Vicon system. For more information, see Vicon Cameras node.
Vicon Connectivity The identification and configuration settings for each Vicon connectivity device included in your Vicon system architecture. For more information, see Vicon Connectivity nodes.
Devices The connection and configuration settings for Vicon and supported third-party devices included in your Vicon system architecture. For more information, see Devices node.

You can perform commands specific to a type of system component node or sub node by right-clicking on a node in the System Resources tree and selecting the desired command from the displayed context menu.

Device status

Some nodes have sub-nodes for individual components of that type:

Green play button: Component OK (active or connected); if an analog device is connected to the Vicon component, the analog source is selected and all channels are configured.

Yellow pause button: Component not fully set up

Gray play button: Component connected but not contributing any data.

Red stop button: Component down (unavailable or disconnected)

Green arrow: Analog channel connected to source device.

Yellow arrow: Analog channel not connected to source device, or device is disabled (Enabled check box is not selected in the Status section of the Properties pane.)

For more information on the status of system components, see Status tab.

Reorder Devices dialog box

You change the order in which devices are displayed in the System Resources tree in the Reorder Devices dialog box.

You can automatically number cameras according to their position in the volume by using the Auto number cameras feature. For more information, see System Preparation tools.

You access the Reorder Devices dialog box by right-clicking Vicon Cameras, Video Cameras, Vicon Connectivity nodes, or Devices in the System Resources tree and selecting Reorder from the context menu. This menu is available only when the system is in Live mode (click the Go Live button); devices listed in an offline processing file cannot be reordered.

Each Vicon camera and connectivity device is assigned a unique ID at manufacture, which remains the same, regardless of its position in the list of other devices of the same type. Once integrated in a Vicon system, each device is assigned a sequential ID, which is used to identify it (for example, in user interface lists and camera calibration parameters (.xcp) files). This sequential ID is not dependent on which socket the device is plugged into (for example, a Vicon camera plugged into socket 2 in an MX Giganet is not necessarily assigned a device ID of 2). Reordering the device changes its sequential ID. You may find this useful if you want to order your device numbers to match their physical sequence in your capture volume.

To change the order of devices in the Reorder Devices dialog box:

  1. In the System Resources tree, right-click Vicon Cameras, Video Cameras, Vicon Connectivity or Devices and from the displayed context menu select Reorder.
  2. In the Reorder Devices dialog box, click on the device whose position you want to change.
    In the Identifier column, the color of the circle to the left of the ID number indicates the current status of that device:
    • Blue (Present) - Devices that are physically in use, or are part of the latest calibration
    • Black (Remembered) - Devices that are not present at this time, but were connected at least once in the past
    The Original Identifier column shows the sequence ID previously assigned to the device.
  3. Change the order of the device using the buttons:
    • Move Up Move the selected entry up one position in the list.
    • Move Down Move the selected entry down one position in the list.
    • Sort Sorts the list of devices according to name and type. Remembered devices are at the bottom of the list.
    • Clean Removes the entries for devices that are not present in the current session.
  4. Repeat steps 1–3 for each device whose position you wish to change.
  5. Click OK to save the changes and close the Reorder Devices dialog box.

System Properties pane

You can view or modify system components in the Properties pane, which is at the bottom of the of the System tab.

The properties displayed depend upon the component node selected in the System Resources tree. Properties can be presented in categories such as General, Settings, etc.

To see all the properties for a selected component node, ensure you have clicked Show Advanced at the top of the Properties pane.

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