Resources pane

Resources pane

The Resources pane contains the following elements.

You can hide, pin, and unpin the Resources pane to ensure you use the available screen space as efficiently as possible (see Customize the Vicon Nexus user interface in the Vicon Nexus User Guide).

System connection buttons

Nexus has two operating modes: Live Mode and Offline Mode. The system status indicators at the top of the Resources pane make it easy for you to immediately identify the current operating mode and the hardware connection status.

  • Live mode connects the system and starts real-time streaming.
  • Offline mode disconnects the system and stops real-time data streaming. Previously captured and saved data can be played back offline (see the following table).
Appearance System status
System in Live Mode - No connection established with Vicon hardware
System in Live Mode - Connection established with Vicon hardware
System in Offline Mode - No trial loaded in memory
System in Offline Mode - Trial is loaded in memory
The trial name is displayed to the left. The tool tip shows the file location.

Pause button

Pauses real-time data streaming. This button is available and is a brighter color when the system is in its Live mode.

Resources tabs

You select the type of resources to be displayed by clicking the appropriate Resources tab:

  • System tab Lets you configure the components of your Vicon system. For more information, see System tab.
  • Subjects tab Lets you load and manage files for the subjects whose motion data you want to capture and analyze in Vicon Nexus. For more information, see Subjects tab.

System and Subjects trees

You select the items and any sub items to be configured with the System tree or Subjects tree in the middle of the Resources pane. The nodes displayed in the tree depend on whether you are viewing the System tab or the Subjects tab in the Resources pane.

For more information, see System Resources nodes and Subjects tab.

Properties pane

You view and change settings for the item selected in the resources tree in the Properties pane at the bottom of the Resources pane. The contents of this section depend on the node selected in the Resources tree.

For information about the available properties, see the Properties section for the required node in System Resources nodes.

To see additional settings for the selected node, click Show Advanced at the top right of the Properties pane. To show basic settings only, click Hide Advanced.

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