Upper body angles as output from Plug-in Gait

Upper body angles as output from Plug-in Gait

The following tables display the upper body segment angles from Plug-in Gait.

All upper body angles are calculated in rotation order YXZ.

As Euler angles are calculated, each rotation causes the axis for the subsequent rotation to be shifted. X’ indicates an axis which has been acted upon and shifted by one previous rotation, X’’ indicates a rotation axis which has been acted upon and shifted by two previous rotations.

Left upper body angles

Positive rotationAxisDirection
LHeadAngles1Backward TiltPrg.Fm. YClockwise

2Right TiltPrg.Fm. X'Anti-clockwise

3Right RotationPrg.Fm. Z''Clockwise
LThoraxAngles1Forward TiltPrg.Fm. YClockwise

2Right TiltPrg.Fm. X'Anti-clockwise

3Right RotationPrg.Fm. Z''Clockwise
LNeckAngles1Forward TiltThorax YClockwise

2Left TiltThorax X'Clockwise

3Left RotationThorax Z''Clockwise
LSpineAngles1Forward Thorax TiltPelvis YAnti-Clockwise

2Left Thorax TiltPelvis X'Clockwise

3Left Thorax RotationPelvis Z''Anti-Clockwise
LShoulderAngles1FlexionThorax YAnti-clockwise

2AbductionThorax X'Anti-clockwise

3Internal RotationThorax Z''Anti-clockwise
LElbowAngles1FlexionHumeral YAnti-clockwise

2-Humeral X'-

3-Humeral Z''-
LWristAngles1Ulnar DeviationRadius XClockwise

2ExtensionRadius Y'Clockwise

3Internal RotationRadius Z''Clockwise

Right upper body angles

Positive rotationAxisDirection
RHeadAngles1Backward TiltPrg.Fm. YClockwise

2Left TiltPrg.Fm. X'Clockwise

3Left RotationPrg.Fm. Z''Anti-clockwise
RThoraxAngles1Forward TiltPrg.Fm. YClockwise

2Left TiltPrg.Fm. X'Clockwise

3Left RotationPrg.Fm. Z''Anti-clockwise
RNeckAngles1Forward TiltThorax YClockwise

2Right TiltThorax X'Anti-clockwise

3Right RotationThorax Z''Anti-clockwise
RSpineAngles1Forward Thorax TiltPelvis YAnti-Clockwise

2Right Thorax TiltPelvis X'Anti-clockwise

3Right Thorax RotationPelvis Z''Clockwise
RShoulderAngles1FlexionThorax YAnti-clockwise

2AbductionThorax X'Clockwise

3Internal RotationThorax Z''Clockwise
RElbowAngles1FlexionHumeral YClockwise

2-Humeral X'-

3-Humeral Z''-
RWristAngles1Ulnar DeviationRadius XAnti-clockwise

2ExtensionRadius Y'Clockwise

3Internal RotationRadius Z''Anti-clockwise

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