What's new in the Vicon DataStream SDK?

What's new in the Vicon DataStream SDK?

Vicon DataStream SDK 1.12 adds support for receiving video camera data from the datastream.

Source code for the DataStream SDK is provided and is licensed under an MIT license agreement.

Download from the DataStream SDK page of the Vicon website.

New features of Vicon DataStream SDK 1.12

This release includes the following new features.

Support for video camera information

After enabling camera calibration data, the following data can be received through DataStream.

  • Camera transformation
  • Focal length
  • Principal point
  • Lens parameters

Set connection timeout length

Connection timeout length can now be set, while the default connection timeout length has been reduced to 5 seconds.

MATLAB support changed to use .NET
Built-in MATLAB integration has been replaced by .NET, as Mathsworks support the use of .NET directly in (MATLAB).
To make use of DataStream SDK 1.10 and later, update legacy MATLAB scripts to .NET.
To continue using native MATLAB integration, refer to support in DataStream SDK 1.9.

Known issues in Vicon DataStream SDK 1.12

  • DataStream will return an error when Object Quality is set to off. This does not affect the functionality of DataStream.

Addressed issues in Vicon DataStream SDK 1.12

  • Fixed an issue when trying to receive frames from Tracker, causing DataStream to freeze

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