Review captured data

Review captured data

You load and play recorded data using the Capture panel and the view pane.

To review captured data:

  1. In the Capture panel, in the Take Info section, ensure that the relevant Capture Folder is selected, depending on the location of the file that you want to load.

    Captures in the specified folder are listed in the Review section below.

  2. In the Review section, double-click the name of the required file.

    The recorded data is loaded, the words 'Review FileName' are displayed in the menu bar and a time bar appears at the bottom of the Workspace view pane to indicate that Evoke has automatically entered Review mode.

    The System panel displays all devices that were present when the data was captured. The lists of devices are the same as they were when the data was captured, but unlike Live mode, no settings are displayed in the bottom part of the panel.

    Any device warning information that was displayed when the devices were live is also displayed.

    The Tracking panel displays a list of all the top-level tracking objects that were present when the data was captured.

    No settings for the objects are displayed.

  3. Use the time bar controls to move through the captured data as required:

    • To play or stop the replay of the capture, click the Play / Stop button / on the right of the time bar.

    • To view a particular part of the capture, drag the slider along the time bar

    • To move through the capture one frame at a time, click the Previous Frame or Next Frame buttons, or press the A or S keys.

    • To replay continuously, click the Loop button .

  4. To return to Live mode, on the menu bar click the Close button to the right of the Review FileName title.

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