What's new in Vicon Evoke 1.5?

What's new in Vicon Evoke 1.5?

About the latest release of Evoke

Evoke 1.5 is the fifth point release of the Vicon software that controls Vicon’s Origin system.

It includes new features such as improved graphing, more usable System and Tracking panels in Review mode, online masking, and improvements to object setup and tracking, as well as fixing a number of issues.

For a more detailed description of these additions and improvements, see New features in Vicon Evoke 1.5.

Vicon Evoke 1.5 and retargeting

  • Evoke 1.4 and later reads both VST 3.5 and 3.6 files, but exports VST 3.5 files. VST 3.4 files, as used with Evoke 1.2, are compatible.
  • Avoid using Evoke 1.4 and later with Retarget 1.0.2 or earlier as the cluster template from Evoke 1.4 and later will not load into these earlier versions of Retarget.
  • If you created retarget files in Retarget 1.0.2 or earlier, to benefit from the improved scale estimation and cluster calibration in Evoke 1.3 and later, recreate the retarget files in Retarget 1.1.2 or later.

New features in Evoke 1.5

Evoke 1.5 includes these new features.

Improved graph plots

Evoke 1.5 provides an improved Graph Plots view in the Workspace.

Key improvements include:

  • Ability to pin and unpin Graph channels, to help you to compare different graph channel types
  • Additional channels for plotting camera and system health data
  • Time derivative options
  • Angle format options
  • Magnitude and unit options
  • Axis labels and units
  • Automatic axis scaling
  • Channel statistics and current value inspection
  • Inline channel key
  • Layout options
  • Ability to save and load named graph settings
  • Auto-saving of graph settings
  • Improved performance and added setting for memory usage limit

For more information, see Graphing your data in Getting started with Vicon Evoke.

Review mode panels display more relevant data

When reviewing captured data, the System and Tracking panels now change to display the devices and subjects included in the review clip, rather than the live system data.

In these review panels, you can select channel data from captured devices or subjects for display in the Graph Plots view.

For more information on using Review mode, see Review captured data in Getting started with Vicon Evoke.

Online masking for strobed camera systems

For Vicon systems that use cameras with built-in strobes (such as Vero or Vantage cameras), we recommend that you use a new option that enables the generation of online masks. These masks are used to remove static, unlabeled centroids from consideration when generating the System Health Centroid Connectivity metric, which is used to determine when a camera requires automatic bump-healing.

This feature is particularly useful when a camera has been bumped, and previously masked grayscale data becomes visible – it prevents a camera being repeatedly, unnecessarily bump-healed.

The option for generating online masks is disabled by default. To enable the option:

  1. In the Processing panel, ensure the Advanced properties are displayed.
  2. In the Camera Healing section, select Generate Online Masks.

For more information, see Automatic recovery for systems with strobed cameras in Getting started with Vicon Evoke.

Object setup improvements

A number of improvements have been made to object setup:

  • You can add markers to, and remove markers from, basic objects. To do this, you click Add Marker and Remove Marker buttons on the Setup tab of the Tracking panel. Modifying an object in this way does not affect the object's origin or rotation. For information, see Add or remove markers - basic objects in Getting started with Vicon Evoke.
  • You can import mesh (FBX) files directly into Evoke. To do this, in the Tracking panel, ensure you have selected the relevant object and on the Properties tab, next to the Mesh list, click the Import mesh button .

  • In the 3D Scene view, you can align a selected object's axes to the global axes, to a selected marker, or to the center of multiple selected markers. To do this, select the relevant object(s) or marker(s), activate the Object Manipulator and then click Alignment Tool at the bottom.

For more information, see Understand the alignment tool in Getting started with Vicon Evoke.

Scene meshes

You can now import FBX files into the Tracking panel as a scene mesh by clicking the Import mesh button at the top of the panel.

In the 3D Scene view, you can position and rotate these meshes using the object manipulator, which enables you to preview a scene or VR environment within Evoke.

For more information, see Understand the alignment tool in Getting started with Vicon Evoke.

Smart object pattern preview

To help you identify smart objects and their clusters, the Tracking panel now displays a preview image for each cluster in a Smart Object, depicting the current marker pattern.

If no pattern is assigned, for example, if many smart objects are enabled, the preview is blank.

For more information on Smart Object patterns, see Pulsar patterns in the Vicon Pulsar Reference Guide.

Object tracking improvements

An optional pose prediction component has been added, which improves tracking fidelity for fast-moving objects, at a small cost to latency and throughput.

This option is disabled by default. To turn it on:

  1. In the Processing panel, ensure the Advanced properties are displayed.
  2. In the Object Tracking section, select Enable Constant Velocity Tracker.

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