Customize the Vicon Nexus user interface

Customize the Vicon Nexus user interface

In addition to the usual resize and close window options, you can slide the Resources and Tools panes to either side of the Vicon Nexus window and or minimize the Communications pane, to give you a larger workspace area.

Requirement Action Button
To hide the Resources and/or Tools panes At the top of the Resources or Tools pane, click the UnPin button.
To hide the Communications pane Double-click a tab within the Communications pane; or
To hide the pane whenever you load a trial, on the Window menu, select theClose Communications Pane on Trial Load option.

To reveal the Resources and/or Tools panes Click the text at the top of the tab at the side of the Nexus window.


To reveal the Communications pane Double-click a tab within the Communications pane; or
To make the pane visible whenever you load a trial, on the Window menu, clear theClose Communications Pane on Trial Load option.

To return a pane to being locked into place At the top of the pane, click the Pin button.
To undock (float) and dock a pane At the top of the (pinned) pane, click the Undock or Dock button.


Customize a View pane

The View pane cannot be undocked, repositioned, or resized in the Nexus window. However, you can open a separate floating view pane by selecting the New floating workspace command from the Window menu. This floating workspace can be repositioned and resized.

The width of the View pane is affected by resizing panes to the left and/or right of it. The height of the View pane is affected by resizing the panes below it.

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