Vicon Nexus motion capture workflow
Vicon Nexus motion capture workflow
In Vicon Nexus, you can capture and analyze the movement of live subjects (such as human beings or animals) and of inanimate objects (such as sports equipment or other rigid objects) for a variety of motion capture applications. You can either stream motion data in real time or capture it for offline processing, depending on your requirements.
The stages involved in the typical workflow for the operation of Nexus are:
- Prepare a Vicon system, when you first set up or significantly change your motion capture system.
- Calibrate a Vicon system, when you first set up your system and regularly afterwards (eg, every day, before you begin motion capture), to ensure any changes (eg, slight movement of cameras or other equipment) are accounted for. Also do this if you change the system.
- Prepare a subject, when you have a new subject, or want to make changes to an existing subject. This stage includes calibrating a labeling skeleton for your new subject or re-calibrating when you have made changes to an existing subject.
- Capture movement trials, after you have calibrated the labeling skeleton, to collect the data needed for your trials.
- Review trials and fill gaps, after you have captured, reconstructed and labeled movement trials, to fill any gaps in the data.
- After you have filled any gaps and cropped the data as necessary, you can perform any required modeling (for example, you can run the dynamic Plug-in Gait model, or perform custom modeling) to generate the required model outputs (such as angles, forces, moments, powers, or bones). For information, see Modeling with Plug-in Gait.
- Export trial data, which is usually the final stage in motion capture, and lets you use captured data in third-party applications.
To speed up some of the above processes, you can use the supplied pipelines, consisting of one or more operations that are supplied with Nexus, or you can create your own custom pipelines. To use pipelines on a large number of trials, you can run them as batch processes. For more information, see Work with pipelines.
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