Get to know Vicon Nexus
The Nexus user interface enables you to access the tools you need quickly and easily. Within the primary panes (Resources, View, Tools, and Communications), you use the tabs and buttons to open secondary panes containing tools and options for specific parts of the motion capture workflow.
Manage system and subjects in the Resources pane.
Resources pane: Manage the different components of your Vicon system, and the subjects whose motion is to be captured, on the System tab and the Subjects tab. SeeDisplay data in the View pane.
View pane: Set up the way you want to visualize the capture data from one or more cameras (or supported third-party devices) either live in real time or offline, from a saved file. SeeManage the motion capture workflow in the Tools pane.
Tools pane: Work through the main stages of the motion capture workflow, using the tabs in the Tools pane from left to right: System Preparation, Subject Preparation, Capture, Label/Edit and Pipeline (this last tab enables you to group and run operations that you use throughout the workflow). SeeCommunications pane:
- Data Management tab: Store and manage all data associated with your motion capture trials (see Manage mocap data on the Data Management tab)
- Quality tab: Assess trial health (see Review data quality)
- History tab: View stored processing history (see Review processing history)
- Theia tab: Select and process video files through Theia3D (see Run Theia processing on video files)
- Python tab: Set the path to your Python installation, and run Python scripts (see Modeling with Python in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide)
- Matlab tab: Run MATLAB scripts and launch MATLAB (see Modeling with MATLAB in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide)
- Monitors tab: Set up and control monitors for your trials (see Using monitors)
- IMeasureU tab: Use Vicon IMUs with Nexus (see Work with Vicon IMUs)
- Status tab: View system status information
- Log tab: View a log of Nexus system activity since start up
Access menu options from the Nexus menu bar.
Menu bar: Access menu options. SeeAccess common commands from the Nexus toolbar.
Toolbar: Access frequently used commands and create and select view types. SeeBasic keyboard shortcuts and mouse actions
You can use the mouse to manipulate items and manage the way data is visualized in Nexus, and you can combine standard mouse actions with keyboard keys. The following mouse and keyboard combinations are used most frequently in Nexus.
Navigate in the 3D Perspective view:
- Zoom: Right-click + drag forward or backward
- Orbit: Click + drag
- Translate/Move: Click wheel button (or left-and-right-click) + drag
To open files in Nexus, in addition to loading files as described in Play back data with the time bar, you can drag and drop Nexus files onto a 3D Perspective view (or any other view). File types that you can load in this way include: C3D, ENF, VSK/VST, X1D, X2D, and XCP.
Select objects in the view pane:
- Select a single item: Click
- Select multiple consecutive items: SHIFT + click
- Select multiple non-consecutive items: CTRL + click
- Select items within a bounding outline: ALT + click and drag
Display/hide a section within a pane:
Click the Display Section arrow on the right
Click the Hide Section arrow on the right
For lists summarizing more Nexus shortcuts and mouse actions, see Hot keys and shortcuts.
For more information on getting to know the Nexus user interface, see:
- Manage mocap data on the Data Management tab
- Manage system and subjects in the Resources pane
- Display data in the View pane
- Manage the motion capture workflow in the Tools pane
- Play back data with the time bar
- Access menu options from the Nexus menu bar
- Access common commands from the Nexus toolbar
- Manage configurations in Vicon Nexus
- Customize the Vicon Nexus user interface
- Customize floor grid dimensions and offsets