Hot keys and shortcuts

Hot keys and shortcuts

You can use the mouse to manipulate items and manage the way data is displayed in the Vicon Nexus window. Standard mouse actions can also be combined with keyboard keys.

To help you use Vicon Nexus efficiently, this section provides lists of shortcuts:

Common hot keys and shortcuts

The following mouse actions and hot keys are available throughout Nexus, where applicable/available:

Task Keys and mouse
Start/stop capture CTRL+Enter
Select individual items Click
Select items within a bounding outline ALT+click and drag
Select multiple non-consecutive items CTRL+click
Rotate/orbit Click and drag
Zoom Right-click and drag
Translate/Move Click wheel button (or left-and-right-click) and drag
Scroll forward or backward through a list Rotate mouse wheel
Save currently enabled subject data to the current trial's .c3d file (equivalent of clicking Save on the File menu) CTRL+S
Reset Core Processor CTRL+R
Esc Exit current mode (labeling, etc)
Unset all cameras' Bumped status CTRL+SHIFT+B

The behavior of the ALT GR key depends upon the regional settings specified for your keyboard in the Windows operating system. In some regions, the behavior of this key is identical to that of the ALT key, while in other regions the ALT GR key functions as if the ALT+CTRL keys were pressed together. Nexus assumes the latter behavior.
If you want to use the ALT GR key as if it was the ALT key, you must change the regional settings for your keyboard to use the US layout, which assumes identical behavior for these two keys. You change your keyboard language settings in the Text Services and Input Languages dialog box, accessed from the Languages tab in the Regional and Language Options dialog box in Windows Control Panel. For more information, see the Microsoft Windows help.

Shortcuts for navigating in Vicon Nexus

Use the following hot keys to navigate to the different areas of the Vicon Nexus user interface.

Display the Vicon Nexus online helpF1
Display/Close Data Management tabF2
Display/Close the Quick Reports windowF4
Enter/Exit full screen modeF5
Display/Close Sounds dialog boxF6
Display/Close Options dialog boxF7
Go to System Preparation Tools paneF8
Go to Subject Preparation Tools paneF9
Go to Capture Tools paneF10
Go to Label/Edit Tools paneF11
Go to Pipeline Tools paneF12

The behavior of function keys is dependent upon the area of the Nexus window that has focus when the key is pressed. Click anywhere in the window to set the focus before using the function keys to navigate to a different part of the user interface.

Shortcuts for managing real-time data

Use the following hot keys to manage real-time data streaming and offline data processing in Vicon Nexus.

Task Keys
Start/stop capture CTRL+Enter
Switch between Live and Offline mode CTRL+TAB
Pause/Restart real-time data streaming (Live mode) SPACE (or middle mouse button)
Play/Stop offline data (Offline mode) SPACE (or middle mouse button)
Toggle Simple Capture mode (Live mode) CTRL+H

Shortcuts for selecting items

Use these hot keys and mouse actions to select items in the Vicon Nexus window. To cancel a selection, left-click again in the view pane.

Task Keys and mouse
Select single item Click
Select multiple non-consecutive items CTRL+click
Select multiple non-consecutive items maintaining the order of selection SHIFT+CTRL+click
Select multiple consecutive items SHIFT+click, SHIFT and drag, or drag
Select next optical camera ]
Select previous optical camera [
Select next video camera CTRL+]
Select previous video camera CTRL+[
In a Camera view, sweep select for manual masking ALT+drag

Shortcuts for moving the camera view

Use the following mouse actions to move the camera view in the 3D Perspective, 3D Orthogonal, and Camera views.

Task Keys and mouse
Zoom: Move the camera viewpoint closer to or further away from the focal point Right-click + drag forward or backward
Orbit: Move the 3D viewpoint around the focal point Left-click + drag left, right, forward, or backward
Translate: Move the 3D viewpoint along a horizontal or vertical axis Click wheel button + drag left, right, forward, or backward
Zoom to window (for all windows). Applies in Camera, 3D Overlay and Rotated views. CTRL+SHIFT+Z
Zoom camera view to fit CTRL+SHIFT+F

Shortcuts for viewing data in 3D views

Use the following hot keys to view data in the 3D Perspective and 3D Orthogonal views:

Task Keys
Toggle display of labels CTRL+space bar
Reset footstrike counters (see Automatically assess foot strikes). CTRL+SHIFT+R

Shortcuts for viewing data in the Graph view

Use the following hot keys and mouse actions to view data in the Graph view. For more information, see Shortcuts for visualizing graph data.

Task Keys and mouse
Select range of frames to zoom ALT and right-click + drag across frames
Slide x-axis left Click wheel button + drag left
Slide x-axis right Click wheel button + drag right
Slide y-axis up Click wheel button + drag forward
Slide y-axis down Click wheel button + drag backward
Zoom x-axis in Right-click + drag left
Zoom x-axis out Right-click + drag right
Zoom y-axis in Right-click + drag backward
Zoom y-axis out Right-click + drag forward

Shortcuts for visualizing graph data

The way the graph that is displayed in a Graph view depends on whether the system connection is live or offline and whether an individual point or a range has been selected for plotting.

When zooming into or out of graph data, the display of grid lines in the view pane can be set to guide the eye toward the selected area of focus. Major grid lines remain at their normal weight, while any minor grid lines gradually fade. To obtain this behavior, open the Options dialog box (F7) and under General View Options, select Graph. In the Properties pane on the right, ensure Show Minor Grid Lines is selected.

Zoom an axis (x or y)

All component graphs in a single workspace maintain the same scale for both the x- and y-axes. The x-axis is shared across all components, but each component has its own y-axis. The y-axes may show different ranges, but represent the same number of values.

  • Offline: The portion of the specific component trace displayed in the view pane is centered around the point where the mouse was clicked. All other component views are scaled by the same amount, with the vertical range centered on the median value of the visible portion of all the selected traces.
  • Live: The x-axis, the workspace is centered around zero, keeping zero on the right edge of the workspace and changing the values displayed on the left.

Zoom selected range of frames

  • Offline: The y-axis displays only the selected area of the specific trace and the x-axis displays only the selected frames.
  • Live: This type of zooming in the x-axis is disabled to ensure that the live frame is always on the right of the graph.

Pan across an axis (x or y)

  • Offline: Each component in the y-axis can be panned independently.
  • Live: Panning in the x-axis is disabled to ensure that the live frame is always on the right of the graph.

Open a Quick Reports window

In addition to displaying a Graph view, you can also open a Quick Reports window (press F4), which enables you to display multiple graphs of model outputs normalized over the gait cycle. For more information, see Quick Reports in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide.

Shortcuts for working with the time bar

Use the following hot keys and mouse actions to work with the time bar at the bottom of a view pane:

Timescale displayed in timeline

Task Keys and mouse
Slide timeline left Middle-click + drag left
Slide timeline right Middle-click + drag right
Select range of frames to zoom ALT and right-click + drag across frames
Zoom scale in Right-click and drag right or up
Zoom scale out Right-click and drag left or down

Time bar data displayed in view pane

Task Keys and mouse
Start/Stop data playback Middle-click
Jog forward/backward through data playback Rotate mouse wheel forward/backward
Move Current Time Cursor to specific frame Click frame in the timeline
Move Start Range Frame Cursor back to zero frame of trial Click cursor
Move End Range Frame Cursor back to last frame of trial Click cursor
Go to the previous frame LEFT ARROW
Go to the next frame RIGHT ARROW
Go to the first frame HOME
Go to the last frame END
Go forward 10 frames PAGE UP
Go backward 10 frames PAGE DOWN
Go to frame <number> CTRL+G
Set Region of Interest CTRL+D

Event identification mode in timeline

Enter/exit event identification mode (where the time cursor follows the mouse)CTRL+E
Go to the previous eventCTRL+LEFT ARROW
Go to the next eventCTRL+RIGHT ARROW
Lock/unlock event context (In event identification mode, select desired Left, Right, or General event context on timeline; subsequently moving the mouse forward or backward does not change context.)UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW
Display context menu (after event context locked)ENTER
Highlight command from context menuUP ARROW or DOWN ARROW
Select highlighted command from context menuENTER
Move event to next frameALT+RIGHT ARROW
Move event to previous frameALT+LEFT ARROW

Shortcuts for gap-filling

Use the following hot keys to speed up gap-filling and correcting swapped marker labels:

Select next gapCTRL+8
Select previous gapCTRL+7
Spline fillCTRL+U
Spline fill allCTRL+I
Pick source for pattern fillingCTRL+9
Pattern fillCTRL+O
Pattern fill allCTRL+P
Pick source for rigid body fillCTRL+J
Rigid body fillCTRL+M
Rigid body fill allCTRL+,
Pick segment for kinematic fillCTRL+K
Kinematic fillCTRL+L
Kinematic fill allCTRL+.
Cyclic fillCTRL+;
Cyclic fill allCTRL+'
Swap marker labelsCTRL+T

Shortcuts for using the Quality tab

Use the following hot keys to speed up working on the Quality tab, when using the Data Correction view type:

Task Keys
Show/hide unlabeled trajectories CTRL+F3
Show/hide trajectory names CTRL+F4
Move to next gap for selected trajectory CTRL+8
Move to previous gap for selected trajectory CTRL+7
Move to previous trajectory CTRL+PgUp
Move to next trajectory CTRL+PgDown

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