Access common commands from the Nexus toolbar

Access common commands from the Nexus toolbar

Access frequently used commands from the Nexus motion capture workflow from the Nexus toolbar.

The Nexus toolbar contains buttons that enable you to save the current trial, close the current trial, and undo and redo actions. In addition it contains the following controls:

  • Reconstruct Runs the Reconstruct pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. (Reconstruction is the process by which Nexus calculates the position of markers in three-dimensional space and links these points frame-by-frame into a trajectory.) For examples of using this pipeline, see Calibrate a labeling skeleton.

  • Reconstruct and Label Runs the Reconstruct and Label pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. (The Label process is where labels defined in the labeling skeleton template for the subject are applied, either manually or automatically, to a point in the trajectory of a marker.) Normally used when processing trials. For an example of using this pipeline, see Reconstruct and label movement trials.

  • KinFit Runs the Kinematic Fit pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. This pipeline is often used before running a Fill Gaps - Kinematic operation for filling gaps in trajectories, and for visualizing or graphing segment- or joint-based data in realtime.

  • AutoInitialize Runs the Auto Initialize Labeling pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. Often used as part of calibrating a labeling skeleton For an example of using this pipeline, see Calibrate a labeling skeleton.

  • Auto Gap Fill Runs the Auto Intelligent Gap Fill pipeline defined in the Pipeline Tools pane. This enables you to quickly fill gaps in your trial, without having to choose which fill method is best for each gap. For good results, you must configure the relevant pipeline operations for your particular trials. For information on using this command, see Automatically fill gaps in trial data.

  • Add To Quick Report Adds the current trial to a Quick Report. For more information, see Quick Reports in the Vicon Nexus Reference Guide.

  • Any user-customized buttons If required, you can create your own additional buttons and configure them to run a specified pipeline or load a previously created view configuration. You can create or change toolbar buttons in the Customize Toolbar dialog box.

  • View Type list Lists any saved view types. The adjacent configuration buttons enable you to create and save custom view types.

Clicking a button on the toolbar executes the defined action for the button. A button is dimmed if it is not available, for example, if it cannot be run at that stage of the workflow or if a customized button has been deleted or renamed.

To display a tooltip that explains why a button is unavailable, hover the mouse pointer over the button.

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