Configure supported devices
As part of setting up your Vicon system, you configure supported devices using the Devices node in the System Resources pane.
The Devices node is displayed under the Local Vicon System node when Vicon Nexus is connected to a Vicon system with at least one Vicon or supported third-party analog or EMG device and is in Live mode. It is displayed under the Vicon Data node when Nexus is in Offline mode. The Devices node lists each supported device connected to your Vicon system.
For each device, the node name includes any display name specified in the Name property, its approximate sample rate in brackets, and the device type in parenthesis, for example, Name [2000Hz] (Analog EMG). The default name property displayed is Name [1000Hz] (Analog EMG).
For analog devices, if no analog source is selected, [No Source] is displayed after the device type. Channel sub nodes are displayed for any analog channels. Predefined configurations for some devices are supplied with Vicon Nexus.
To add new device entries to this node, Vicon Nexus must be in Live mode (click the Go Live button). Before managing other devices, ensure that the desired system configuration has been selected in the System Resources pane (see Manage configurations in Vicon Nexus).
To view a graph of one or more device output or component signals:
- In the System Resources tree, expand the Devices node to show the devices connected to your Nexus system
- Select one or more devices, outputs or components.
- From the view pane toolbar, select Graph.
- If necessary, in the Graph view toolbar, from the Graph Type drop-down list, select Components.
- The Graph view displays a graph of the selected components.
For more information on configuring supported devices, see: