About licensing Vicon Nexus 2

About licensing Vicon Nexus 2

From release 2.0, Nexus is licensed using SafeNet Sentinel and Vicon Product Licensing. Licenses are delivered via email from Vicon Support or Sales. The licenses are attached to email as files with extension .lic or with no extension. All license files are readable in a text editor.

A dongle is not necessary to license Nexus through SafeNet, although you can use dongles with Nexus. These must be SafeNet USB dongles and ordered in addition to Nexus. You cannot use existing HASP dongles that were previously used to license Nexus.

See also:

Types of license

Two different types of license are available.

  • Standalone A license that is installed on the machine that is running Vicon Nexus.
  • Network A license that is installed on a SafeNet license server, which can serve multiple seats of Nexus running on different machines.

License locking

Licenses can be locked in two different ways.

  • PC locked A combination of the MAC address of one of the network interfaces and an ID from one of the hard disks in the machine are used to create a unique lock code.
  • Dongle locked A SafeNet USB dongle has a unique lock code.

You can have any combination of the type and locking stated above, giving the following license configurations.

  • Standalone – PC locked
  • Standalone – Dongle locked
  • Network – PC locked

Network licensing

You must install the SafeNet Sentinel License Manager software in addition to Vicon Nexus. You can install the Sentinel License Manager software in the following ways.

  • Using the Vicon Product Licensing installer (visit the Vicon website downloads page, search for 'licensing' and download and install Vicon Product Licensing).
  • Using SafeNet's installer. This may have been sourced from either SafeNet or through Vicon.

The Sentinel License Manager can be installed on the same machine that needs to run Nexus or (more usually) on a machine central to all machines that need to run Nexus.

USB dongles

When using a SafeNet USB dongle, the correct dongle driver needs to be installed. This driver can be installed in the following ways:

  • Windows may automatically install the driver when the dongle is plugged in for the first time.
  • Using the Vicon Nexus installer (as part of the normal Nexus installation procedure)
  • Using the Vicon Product Licensing installer
  • Using SafeNet's installer. This may have been sourced from either SafeNet or through Vicon.

Standalone dongle licensing

When you start Nexus, the presence of the dongle will be checked to ensure that the standalone license will allow Nexus to run. You do not need to have the dongle plugged in to activate the license.

Running multiple instances of Vicon Nexus

Usually, multiple instances of Nexus can be run on the machine from the same license. Multiple network seats are not used up when running multiple instances on the same machine.

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