Troubleshooting installation and licensing

Troubleshooting installation and licensing

The following issues are known to exist when using VAULT and the Sentinel license manager.

In some cases, if IPv6 is set to On in the network properties on the client PC, the server fails to respond to license list requests and the software does not find a license.In the Windows network properties, turn off IPv6. This enables Vicon Product Licensing to display the license list and the software to find a license.
If you're using Windows 11 with a Sentinel Safenet dongle driver that is earlier than 7.6.0, your Safenet dongle is not recognized, producing an error in Vicon Product Licensing and the Windows Device Manager.Download the latest Sentinel dongle driver (7.6.0 or later) from the Thales Support Portal and install it.
When you're using a version of Nexus later than 2.15, network licenses using a license server with a Sentinel License Manager version that is earlier than 9.8 report license lost/restored messages in the Log.

If you're using Nexus 2.16, update your license servers to use Sentinel License Manager 9.8.

If you uninstall the latest version (9.8) of the Sentinel License Manager and install an older version, none of your previously available network licenses are displayed.

If you need to use an older version of Sentinel License Manager:

  1. Copy:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Thales\Sentinel RMS License Manager\WinNT\lservrc
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel RMS License Manager\WinNT\lservrc
  2. Either reboot the machine or stop and then restart the Sentinel RMS License Manager service.
If you're using VAULT version 1.6 or later, versions of the license server earlier than 9.8 are not displayed in the Available servers list or in the 9.8 version of the WlmAdmin utility.To specify a license server on your network, select Use a Specific Network License Server, enter the name in the License Server field, and click OK.

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