Customize the Data Management display

Customize the Data Management display

You can customize databases from within Vicon Nexus to hide the tree view, and to display the required columns, to show specific, searchable metadata.

Drag to customize the display

To hide the tree view and expand the data pane, drag the splitter:

Add custom data fields

To add custom data fields to Data Management:

  1. In Data Management, click Show main proEclipse menu .

  2. Click Configure Column Types and under the Defined Column Types list, click Add Column Type.
  3. Click ENTER LABEL and in the Edit Selected Column Type section, change the text in the Column Identifier, Header Text and Metadata Key fields as required (to display a tooltip, hover the mouse pointer over the relevant field).
  4. Ensure that the correct option is chosen in the Column's base type field.

    (tick) Tip: In addition to adding custom data fields, you can change the available options for the existing field types. To do this, in the Defined Column Types list, click a field type to select it and in the Edit Fixed Values for Selected Column Type section, change the values as required.

  5. Click OK at the bottom right of the dialog box to save the new column type(s).

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