Batch process trials
If necessary, for example, if you are working with large numbers of files, you can set up and run automated operations as batch processes, using the controls in the Batch Processing interface on the Data Management tab.
Batch process multiple trials
You can automatically process any number of trials from the current motion capture database using the Show File Transfer/Batch Processing interface button on the Data Management toolbar at the top of the Data Management tab.
Batch processing is optional. It is useful for processing large numbers of files simultaneously or for automating frequently used processing operations.
Before batch processing trial data, ensure that you have already:
- Captured trial data
- Created any pipelines you intend to run
To batch process trial data:
- On the Data Management tab, mark the nodes (select nodes, right-click and click Mark) containing the files you wish to batch process.
If the File Transfer/Batch Processing interface is not already displayed, on the Data Management toolbar, click the Show File Transfer/Batch Processing interface button
, and then click the Batch Processing button . The marked nodes are displayed in the list on the Batch Processing tab.Tip: To remove nodes from batch processing, on the Data Management tab, unmark the nodes (right-click marked nodes and click Clear Marks).
- From the drop-down menu at the bottom right of the Batch Processing interface, select the pipeline to be run on the listed trial files and click the Start Processing button to start the batch process.
When batch processing begins, an information window is displayed when a file is being imported for processing. It indicates the import status and contains buttons to Pause, Stop, or Cancel the import operation.
During the batch processing, the Progress column in the trials list indicates the overall status of the processing:- Blank: Batch processing idle.
- Yellow moving bar: Batch processing in progress.
- Green static bar: Batch processing successfully completed.
- Red static bar: Batch processing failed or canceled.
Hover the mouse pointer over a progress bar to view details of the batch processing operations.