Camera view

Camera view

The Camera view pane enables you to view raw 2D motion capture data from an individual Vicon camera or a supported digital video camera either live in real time or from a previously saved raw capture file (.x2d).

In addition to the standard buttons (see View pane), the Camera view pane contains the following sections:

  • Camera view pane toolbar Manage the display of camera data in the workspace with the following controls and buttons in the Camera view pane toolbar at the top of the view pane:
    • View list Manage the way camera data is visualized in the active Camera view pane by selecting the following options from the View drop-down list:
    • 3D Overlay Overlay multiple Camera view panes on top of each other, so all camera views are displayed in a single view pane. Each camera is rendered in a unique color.
      Default: Off
    • Rotated Rotate the Camera view, so it is corrected to the vertical axis defined in the system calibration (which corresponds to the earth's vertical axis). It also enables you to manually rotate the view by dragging the view left or right. Information from the camera calibration is required to present the rotated view.
      Default: Off
    • Mirrored Mirrors the view displayed for both optical and video cameras. To enable you to quickly identify when you are looking at a mirrored view, the view title now displays Mirrored when this option is selected.
    • Combined Correctly model lens distortions and display a corrected camera view with the 3D view rendered underneath the 2D camera view. This is particularly useful for viewing Vicon optical data overlaid onto images from video cameras. You can burn this overlay information onto the .mp4 or .avi file to view in other applications using the Export 3D Overlay Video pipeline operation.
      Default: Off
    • Zoom to Fit Zoom the selected Camera view pane to fit the full workspace.
      Default: On
    • Zoom to Window See Display camera sensor window, below.
  • Export Workspace to Video button Enables you to create video files, including labeled subject, of a selected 3D workspace. For more information, see Export workspace to video in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
  • Paint a mask onto the camera button Paint over any cells in the camera grid (displayed when the button is clicked) that contain unwanted reflections. When a cell is painted, its background color changes from black to blue. The camera mask consists of blue cells obscuring unwanted reflections. For more information, see Mask unwanted reflections in the Vicon Nexus User Guide.
  • Erase a mask from the camera button Erase a previously painted cell from a mask. When an individual cell is erased, its background color changes from blue to black, and any reflection that had previously been obscured is visible again.
  • Clear the mask from the camera button Automatically remove a previously painted mask. When the mask is cleared, the background color of any previously painted cells changes from blue to black, and any reflections that had previously been obscured are visible again.
  • Display grayscale blobs button When selected, grayscale blobs are displayed in the Camera view.
  • Display centroid circles button When selected, centroids are displayed in the Camera view.
  • Display camera sensor window button Displays a visual representation of the windowing that occurs at higher frame rates. The windowed area is indicated by a rectangle within the Camera view, showing the size and position of the active window on the camera sensor. (Windowing is also displayed in the 3D Overlay view and in Rotated view). For instant feedback on the area that is captured and to save room on the screen, you can zoom in to the sensor window. To do this, in a Camera view, from the View menu, select Zoom to window, or to turn on Zoom to window for all windows, press the hot keys: Ctrl+Shift+Z.
    To toggle the display of windowing, in the Options dialog box (F7), click the Camera Limits option and in the Properties pane, select the Sensor Window property.
  • Lock / Unlock button (displayed with standard buttons on the right) Lock the current Camera view pane, so that it is effectively detached from the selection set and is not affected by any subsequent selections in other open view panes. This is useful for displaying views from different cameras in multiple Camera views.
    When the active clip changes, or when you switch from Live to Offline mode, the selection is automatically unlocked.
  • Camera view pane View and manipulate 2D data in the view below the view pane toolbar. For example, you can orbit, truck, dolly, and zoom the displayed data.

Camera view usage tips

To visualize optical data in a Camera view:

  1. Either stream live camera data (click Go Live), or double-click a raw data file (.x2d file) on the Data Management tab.

  2. In the System Resources tree, select one or more cameras whose data you want to visualize. To do this, expand the Vicon Cameras node and then click on the sub node for one or more cameras.
    The 2D data from each selected camera is displayed in a separate Camera view pane.

To visualize video data in a Camera view:
Note that a video camera is listed under the Video Cameras node for each .mp4 or .avi file you have loaded.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click on the desired movie file on the Data Management tab; or

    • From Windows Explorer, drag the required .mp4 or .avi file onto a Camera view pane. (If you drag an.mp4 or .avi file onto a Camera view pane, the current trial closes, and no file name is displayed in the View pane, because the .mp4 or .avi file is not associated with any particular trial.); or
    • Import an .mp4 or .avi file into the current trial by running the Import Video pipeline operation. This operation is located in the File Import operations list in the Pipeline Tools pane.
  2. If you make a change to the video file camera settings, an asterisk (*) appears next to the configuration name at the top of the System Resources tree, reminding you that there are unsaved changes to your system configuration.
  3. In the System Resources pane, expand the Video Cameras node and select one or more digital video cameras.
  4. To play offline video, click Play in the tool bar. The video from each camera selected is displayed in a separate Camera view pane.

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