Upper body angles as output from Plug-in Gait

Upper body angles as output from Plug-in Gait

The following tables display the upper body segment angles from Plug-in Gait.

All upper body angles are calculated in rotation order YXZ.

As Euler angles are calculated, each rotation causes the axis for the subsequent rotation to be shifted. Xā€™ indicates an axis which has been acted upon and shifted by one previous rotation, Xā€™ā€™ indicates a rotation axis which has been acted upon and shifted by two previous rotations.

Left upper body angles

Positive rotation Axis Direction
LHeadAngles 1 Backward Tilt Prg.Fm. Y Clockwise

2 Right Tilt Prg.Fm. X' Anti-clockwise

3 Right Rotation Prg.Fm. Z'' Clockwise
LThoraxAngles 1 Forward Tilt Prg.Fm. Y Clockwise

2 Right Tilt Prg.Fm. X' Anti-clockwise

3 Right Rotation Prg.Fm. Z'' Clockwise
LNeckAngles 1 Forward Tilt Thorax Y Clockwise

2 Left Tilt Thorax X' Clockwise

3 Left Rotation Thorax Z'' Clockwise
LSpineAngles 1 Forward Thorax Tilt Pelvis Y Anti-Clockwise

2 Left Thorax Tilt Pelvis X' Clockwise

3 Left Thorax Rotation Pelvis Z'' Anti-Clockwise
LShoulderAngles 1 Flexion Thorax Y Anti-clockwise

2 Abduction Thorax X' Anti-clockwise

3 Internal Rotation Thorax Z'' Anti-clockwise
LElbowAngles 1 Flexion Humeral Y Anti-clockwise

2 - Humeral X' -

3 - Humeral Z'' -
LWristAngles 1 Ulnar Deviation Radius X Clockwise

2 Extension Radius Y' Clockwise

3 Internal Rotation Radius Z'' Clockwise

Right upper body angles

Positive rotation Axis Direction
RHeadAngles 1 Backward Tilt Prg.Fm. Y Clockwise

2 Left Tilt Prg.Fm. X' Clockwise

3 Left Rotation Prg.Fm. Z'' Anti-clockwise
RThoraxAngles 1 Forward Tilt Prg.Fm. Y Clockwise

2 Left Tilt Prg.Fm. X' Clockwise

3 Left Rotation Prg.Fm. Z'' Anti-clockwise
RNeckAngles 1 Forward Tilt Thorax Y Clockwise

2 Right Tilt Thorax X' Anti-clockwise

3 Right Rotation Thorax Z'' Anti-clockwise
RSpineAngles 1 Forward Thorax Tilt Pelvis Y Anti-Clockwise

2 Right Thorax Tilt Pelvis X' Anti-clockwise

3 Right Thorax Rotation Pelvis Z'' Clockwise
RShoulderAngles 1 Flexion Thorax Y Anti-clockwise

2 Abduction Thorax X' Clockwise

3 Internal Rotation Thorax Z'' Clockwise
RElbowAngles 1 Flexion Humeral Y Clockwise

2 - Humeral X' -

3 - Humeral Z'' -
RWristAngles 1 Ulnar Deviation Radius X Anti-clockwise

2 Extension Radius Y' Clockwise

3 Internal Rotation Radius Z'' Anti-clockwise

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