How Plug-in Gait works
To work with Plug-in Gait, you enter subject-specific measurements into a pre-defined template in Vicon Nexus, place a Plug-in Gait marker set on a patient, capture the required trials, and then use Plug-in Gait pipelines in Nexus to produce outputs of the joint kinematics and kinetics for the patient.
From the real marker trajectories, Plug-in Gait generates virtual marker trajectories that represent kinematic and kinetic quantities (angles, moments, etc) and representations of the modeled segments. The model also outputs data that is used to define the positions of meshes (representing bones) which can subsequently be displayed in Vicon Polygon (for further details, see the Vicon Polygon documentation).
For detailed information about modeling with Plug-in Gait, see Plug-in Gait kinematic and kinetic calculations in the Plug-in Gait Reference Guide.
Before you begin capturing, make sure you understand the types of outputs that Plug-in Gait produces, so that you can determine the appropriate model to use for your requirements. If you are unsure which is the most appropriate model to use, see Models and templates in the Plug-in Gait Reference Guide.