Make pipelines read-only

Make pipelines read-only

From Nexus 2.14 and later, you can make pipelines and the operations within them read-only by storing pipeline files in a location you choose. This enables you to to create pipelines that all users of Nexus can access, but that are protected from editing. It is particularly useful if you need to meet MDR requirements for running standardized pipelines that must not be altered by the user.

The location for the read-only pipelines is separate from the Shared/Private/Installed scheme that Nexus provides (for information on Shared/Private files see Recognize Shared, Private, and System files in the Vicon Nexus User Guide).

The read-only pipeline folder location is stored in the system level Prefs.conf file in the following location:


To specify the location of the read-only pipelines:

In a text editor, open Prefs.conf and add value="MyPath/MyFolder" to the ReadOnlyFolder parameter, for example:

Specify read-only pipeline location
<ParamDefinitionList name="com.vicon.Nexus.Pipeline">
    <ParamListGroup name="">
       <ParamList name="default">
         <Param name="ReadOnlyFolder" value="C:/MyReadOnlyPipelines"/>

When you have specified the required location, save the file.

As neither Prefs.conf nor the folder specified within it are protected by default, you may want to change their permissions to prevent unauthorized changes.

When a user selects a pipeline selector in Nexus, the read-only pipeline files are displayed with a padlock icon, along with files from the Shared/Private/Installed locations:

Users can select these pipelines and run them but they cannot modify them, rename them, or delete them from within Nexus. With read-only pipelines, all the parameters are set to read-only (except the first and last frame selection) and you cannot add or remove operations from the pipeline.

Operations run from read-only pipelines are noted in the history file, showing the pipeline that was active at the time the operation was run.

If you need to change a read-only pipeline, you can use Save As to save it to a different location with a new name. This copy of the pipeline is editable and behaves the same way as a standard Shared/Private pipeline.

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