Configure an AND or OR Monitor

Configure an AND or OR Monitor

In the Communications pane, on the Monitors tab, you can configure two special monitor types that run actions based on the conditions of a group of monitors. They are called AND or OR monitors, or Boolean monitors.

The monitors that make up a Boolean monitor are called children. The Boolean monitor bases its action on the status of the child monitors; that is, based on whether the child's thresholds and triggers are present. You can trigger an action based on a Boolean monitor's condition like you can for an individual monitor, but Boolean monitors operate in specific ways:

To configure an AND or OR monitor:

This procedure assumes that you have already configured multiple monitors. For information on creating and configuring monitors, see Create a monitor and Configure a monitor.
  1. On the Monitors tab, in the Monitors list, select two or more monitors that will make up the AND or OR monitor.
  2. Click the AND or OR button below the Monitors list.
    A new Boolean monitor appears in the list (Boolean AND or Boolean OR).
  3. Highlight the monitor name and a list of the child monitors within the monitor appears.

    (tick) Tip: To change the child monitors included in the Boolean monitor, click in the Children field and type the monitor numbers, separated by commas.

  4. Configure the monitor (see Configure a monitor).

Boolean AND monitor

If all the child monitors within a Boolean AND monitor meet the monitor configuration condition at the same time, then the Boolean AND monitor executes its configured action. In other words, if the condition of all the children is TRUE then the Boolean AND monitor condition is TRUE, and the Boolean AND monitor executes.

  • Example: If in Child monitor1 the Left Knee Angle > 180 AND in Child monitor 2 the Right Knee Angle > 180, the Boolean AND monitor is true and the monitor action executes.

All the Boolean AND monitor children must meet the specified condition at the same time or the Boolean AND monitor condition is FALSE, and the Boolean AND monitor will not execute the action.

Boolean OR monitor

If at least one of the child monitors within a Boolean OR monitor meets the specified monitor configuration (threshold, trigger, and condition), then the Boolean OR monitor executes the specified action. In other words, the condition of at least one of children is TRUE, therefore the Boolean OR monitor condition is TRUE.

  • Example: If in Child monitor 1 the Left Knee Angle > 180 OR in Child monitor 2 the Right Knee Angle > 180, the Boolean OR monitor is true and the monitor action executes.

When none of the Children meets the specified condition, the Boolean OR monitor's condition is FALSE and the Boolean OR monitor does not execute.

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