Configure a monitor

Configure a monitor

After you have created a monitor for a motion capture event in the Graph view pane, you can configure the monitor in the Monitors tab of the Communications pane. You can change the monitor's default name, and configure it to be triggered upon a specified event or action.

To rename a monitor:

  • In the Monitors list on the Monitors tab, double-click the name of the required monitor and type a new name.

To configure a monitor:

  1. In the Monitors list on the Monitors tab, click the name of the required monitor to select it.
  2. In the Threshold section on the right, specify the value and condition that will trigger the action (see also Threshold and Trigger descriptions).
  3. To specify the action that will execute when the monitor threshold and trigger conditions are met, ensure the required monitor is selected and in the Actions area on the right of the Monitors tab, click Add and select the required action (see Action descriptions).
  4. To configure multiple actions for the monitor, repeat steps 2 and 3.
  5. In the Configuration Management area of the Communications pane, click Save to save the configured monitor, enter a name for the monitor configuration and select Shared or Private.
  6. In the Configuration Management area of the View pane, click Save to save the Graph view that corresponds to the monitor you have configured, type a name for the Graph view configuration, and select Shared or Private.

    (tick) Tip: Whenever you want to view the graph related to the monitor, select it from the View pane list.

  7. Test the monitor to ensure that the action occurs when the specified condition is met.
Monitor actions function only in a forward time sequence. In other words, monitors will not activate when you manipulate the time bar ruler back and forth.

To configure multiple monitors, repeat steps 1–7 for each monitor.

Threshold and Trigger descriptions

Property Description
Threshold Mode Select the type of threshold:

Above Upper Tracks a graph value above a specified range. You must also set the Upper Threshold value.

Below Lower Tracks a graph value below a specified range. You must also set the Lower Threshold value.

Between Tracks a graph value within a specified range (default). You must also enter the Upper Threshold and Lower Threshold values.

Outside Tracks a graph value outside a specified range. You must also enter the Upper Threshold and Lower Threshold values.

(tick) Tip: The threshold range you specify is displayed as a shaded area with a dashed line in the Graph view.
Condition In the Trigger section, select the condition under which the threshold should activate:

On Enter Monitor triggers upon entering the threshold range.

On Exit Monitor triggers upon exiting the threshold range.

Within Monitor triggers on every frame within the threshold range.

Max Value on Exit Monitor triggers upon exiting the threshold range, but the event is registered at the point of maximum value within the range.
For example, if you set a Timebar Event with Max Value on Exit, the time bar event registers at the point of maximum value within the specified threshold range.

Min Value on Exit Monitor triggers upon exiting the threshold range, but the event is registered at the point of minimum value within the specified range.


Action descriptions

Action Description/Properties

Start Starts a capture.

Stop Stops a capture.

Toggle Switches to the opposite capture state, e.g., stops a capture that is in progress, or starts a capture if the previous state was stopped.
Capture actions can only be performed in Live mode. If you want to create and test a capture action based on a representative trial, you can add a complementary Timebar Event to indicate that the condition was met. Then for the live test or real trial capture, turn off the monitor time bar action.
(tick) Tip: In the Auto Capture settings of the Capture Tools pane, ensure the Arm button is enabled (pressed down) before triggering capture.
You can also use other Auto Capture settings in conjunction with monitor events. For example, in addition to setting up a monitor event to trigger a capture, you can also set a pre-trigger capture time. To do this, set up the monitor to trigger the capture and also set a pre-trigger capture time so that the first frame captured is prior to the condition which triggers the capture.
External Trigger Sends a trigger pulse to external equipment or software from the Sync Output ports on the back of the connectivity device.

Sync Port Select which port you want to use to send the pulse (sends a trigger pulse from the Sync Output port of a Vicon Lock to an external piece of equipment or software). Affects all connected devices.

Action Choose from:
  • Toggle (between Low and High)
  • Go High (+4.3V)
  • Go Low (0V)
Timebar Event Places an event on the time bar, which can be configured to include:

Subject Name Enter the subject name.

Context Select where to place a time bar event:
  • General: Places a marker on the General rule of the time bar ruler.
  • Left: Places a marker on the Left (eg, left side of the body) rule of the time bar ruler.
  • Right: Places a marker on the Right (eg, right side of the body) rule of the time bar ruler.

Event Type Select the type of user-defined event that will be specified on the time bar:
  • General: Indicates the point on the time bar at which the trial subject performs a user-defined event.
  • Foot Strike: Indicates the point on the time bar at which the trial subject's foot contacts the ground.
  • Foot Off: Indicates the point on the time bar at which the trial subject's foot leaves the ground.

Clip Select the clip:
  • Active: Sets the action to whichever state Nexus is in.
    (tick) Tip: Active has the same functionality as Offline if you are analyzing or processing an offline trial, and Live if you are currently in Live mode. This eliminates having to change this property when you switch between Live and Offline.
  • Live: Sets the action to occur on a live clip.
  • Offline: Sets the action to occur on a captured trial that has been loaded or a trial that is currently being captured.

Frame Select the frame:
  • Current: Sets the action for the currently selected frame in the clip.
  • First: Sets the action to the first frame in the time interval. For an offline clip, this would be frame 1. For a live clip, this would be the first frame of a 100-frame moving time window.
  • Last: Sets the action to the last frame in the current interval. For an offline clip, this would be the very last frame.
The Frame settings detect real time events that are written to the offline clip. During capture, the current Live frame is equivalent to the last Offline frame. If you set Clip to Offline and Frame to Last, you will have real time event detection during capture. If you configure this option, you will need to run a post-capture pipeline.

Frame Offset Type a number in the field to indicate the number of frames of offset before adding the event.
Progress Bar Displays a progress bar. The progress bar reflects a normalized value within the boundaries of the threshold; that is, Vicon Nexus computes the upper and lower threshold values so that a given value within the range is represented as a progress bar percentage.
This action works best when the Monitor Threshold is set to Between, and is intended for a Trigger condition of Within. The Progress Bar will function when used On Enter, On Exit, etc., but will not provide meaningful results. For example, if you set the trigger condition to On Enter and the parameter enters the threshold region from below, then the progress bar value will remain near 0%.
If the parameter enters the threshold region from above, the progress bar value will remain around 100%.
Tip: The Progress Bar is divided into thirds, each designated by a color: Red for the lower third, yellow for the middle third, and green for the upper third.
Range Overlay Displays an overlay in the 3D Perspective view that provides an easy, visual way to verify whether a ROM trial has captured enough of the required movement to be likely to provide a good calibration of the subject. For more information, see Create a joint range overlay monitor.

Name The title of the overlay

Zero (deg) Type a value or move the slider to specify where zero appears on the dial
Sound Tone Sounds a system tone based on the threshold range and trigger condition.
Sound Tone is recommended with the trigger conditions of Between and Within. The Sound Tone provides an audio alert in a similar fashion to the Progress Bar: If set to Between or Within, the sound pitch varies in proportion to the parameter's value within the threshold range.
Play Sound File (see below) is recommended with the trigger actions of On Enter or On Exit.
Toggle Monitor Changes the enabled state of the selected monitor to On, Off, or Toggle.
Important: Vicon Nexus adjusts the Monitor Index field if changing the number of Monitors in a configuration affects the Monitor Index. That is, if you configure multiple monitors and set Toggle Monitor events, deleting a monitor can change the Monitor Index field number.

Example (1):
You configure Monitor 1, Monitor 2, and Monitor 3.
You add a Toggle Monitor event to Monitor 2, with the Monitor Index set to 3 (meaning that Monitor 3 will toggle).
If you remove Monitor 1, Monitor 2's Monitor Index will change from 3 to 2 (Monitor 3 is now Monitor 2).

Example (2):
You configure Monitor 1, Monitor 2, and Monitor 3.
You add a Toggle Monitor to Monitor 2, with the Monitor Index set to 3.
If you delete Monitor 3, Monitor 2's Monitor Index will be blank (there is no longer any Monitor 3 to toggle).

Monitor Index Type the number corresponding to the monitor in the Monitors List

Action Sets the toggle state to On, Off, or Toggle.
Play Sound File Plays the sound file you specify.

Sound File Click the Browse button to navigate to the relevant directory on your computer, then select a .wav file from the drop-down list.

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