Known issues in Nexus Insight 1.1
  • Ready for review
  • Known issues in Nexus Insight 1.1

    The following issues are known to exist in Nexus Insight.





    If you use custom names for kinetic/kinematic channels in reference data that you add to a Nexus Insight report, the kinetic/kinematic data you added is not displayed in the report.

    Ensure the names in both the Excel spreadsheet and the JSON file (custom template) match and that they include hipflex, hipangles-x or hangles-x. For information on the correct format for the Excel file, see Excel format for reference data in the Nexus Insight User Guide.

    In reports created with custom marker sets, labeled trajectories are shown as unlabeled in the 3D player.

    None. Currently only subjects created using Plug-in Gait (PiG) or the Conventional Gait Model 2 (CGM2) are supported for visualization in the 3D player.

    You have edited the C3D and Nexus Insight template to include EMG channels but EMG data isn’t displayed in the report.

    Ensure you’ve completed the steps to include EMG reference data in your report. For more information, see Prepare your data in Nexus and Visualize EMG reference data in the Nexus Insight User Guide.

    When creating a new report, you cannot change the save path to a folder outside of your current directory.

    Set a Vicon directory (see Select the Nexus Insight working directory in the Nexus Insight User Guide) which is sufficiently high in the hierarchy so that it includes the path where you would like to save your report and is where the trials exist.

    You cannot open a report from a Windows File Explorer folder.

    Do either of the following:

    • In Windows File Explorer, right-click on the report name, and select either the Open with or Properties option to specify NexusInsight.exe (by default installed in C:\Program Files\Vicon\NexusInsight) as the app for opening Nexus Insight reports. To permanently change the default app to Nexus Insight, see Start Nexus Insight from Windows File Explorer in the Nexus Insight User Guide.


    • Open the report from Nexus Insight or Vicon Nexus 2.16 or later.


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