Excel format for reference data
To use your reference data in Nexus Insight (see Import and visualize reference data), you must format your Microsoft Excel file correctly, with a specific structure.
To create the required structure for your reference data:
In your Excel file, create these two tabs for your data:
The following topics describe how to name and structure these tabs.
If you want to include EMG reference data in your report, see also Visualize EMG reference data.
Gait parameters tab
The tab name must start with: gait
Headings in the first row must be:
1B: mean
1C: std
The following example shows a gait parameters tab in Excel.
You can use either a point or a comma as the decimal separator.
Kinematics / Kinetics tab
Depending on the type of data you want to include, the tab name must start with the appropriate wording:
Kinematics: Rotation < name of the joint + direction of movement >, eg,
Rotation KneeFlex
Moments: Moment < name of the joint + direction of movement>, eg,
Moment KneeFlex
Powers: Power < name of the joint + direction of movement>, eg,
Power KneeFlex
Ground Reaction Force: Force < name of the direction of force, being either Fx, Fy or Fz>, eg,
Force Fx
Headings in the first row must be:
1A: perc or %
1B: mean
1C: std
The following example shows a kinematics tab in Excel.
The names of the tabs and the heading rows must be written exactly as shown in the preceding examples in the Excel file, paying particular attention to capital letters and spaces.