Step 1 - Define input parameters

Step 1 - Define input parameters

Before you begin, ensure you have unzipped the ProCalc tutorials data as described in About the data for this tutorial.

For this tutorial, we will use a walking trial where the subject makes contact with two separate force plates. 

  1. Start ProCalc.
  2. On the  Data Management tab, navigate to the Kinetics session folder.
  3. From there, double-click Walking01 to load the trial.

Define input parameters

For kinetics calculations, we need to use the subject's body mass. We can specify their body mass by using an Input Parameter.

To define Input Variables:

  1. Navigate to the Input Parameters tab.
  2. Create a new Input Parameters scheme .

  3. Create a new Input Parameter called Bodymass.
  4. From the Subject Measurements list, select Bodymass and click Use.

    Notice that the Type, Quantity, and Unit automatically changed when assigning the subject measurement.

  5. Save the Input Parameters scheme.

We are now ready to create a scheme within the Variables tab.

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