Define parameters

Define parameters

A parameter is a value calculated from one or more variables, either variables from the trial or variables that you have defined yourself. There are a large number of calculation functions and possibilities, and the part of ProCalc that lets you specify what to calculate looks like this:

To define a parameter:

  1. On the Parameters tab, select an existing parameter to edit, or add a new one by clicking the Add button.
  2. Enter a name for the parameter.
  3. Decide which function to use for the parameter calculation. In the first drop-down menu, choose a function group. This populates the second drop-down menu. If the parameter requires a threshold, the Threshold Value text box and drop-down menu becomes active. For a description of the available parameter functions, see Functions for defining parameters
  4. Determine whether the variable should be a Model Parameter or an Export Parameter. For more information, see Model parameters and static/dynamic processing
  5. Depending on the parameter function you chose, specify one or two input variables, or one or two input parameters, and up to four input events.
  6. Choose the desired inputs. The variables are sorted by type, so select the desired type (e.g. Angle or Vector) first.
  7. Choose the output unit. ProCalc automatically determines the quantity of the parameter, based on the inputs. However, you can choose the specific output units, eg, if you wish to see the results in meters or millimeters.
  8. Choose whether to time-normalize the output. This option is available for parameters that calculate a time, and enables you to return the value as a percentage of a normalization cycle (eg, a gait cycle) instead of in seconds.
  9. Remember to Save.

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