Define input parameters

Define input parameters

The ProCalc tab for defining input parameters looks like this:

To define input parameters:

  1. Either select an existing parameter to edit, or create a new one by clicking the Add button just below the list.
  2. Enter a suitable name for the parameter.
  3. Select the appropriate type for the parameter:
    • Subject parameter. Read from the Vicon Nexus subject parameters associated with the trial, if available, eg: Subject Height.
    • Constant Parameter. A constant value, optionally with a unit, eg: PI = 3.14156 (unitless) or ForcePlateLength = 500mm.
    • Constant Vector. The 3D equivalent of the constant parameter, eg: ForcePlateOffset = { 300, 200, 0 } mm.
    • Constant Euler Angle. The 3D angle equivalent, eg: OffsetAngle= < 15, 30, 0 > deg.
    • Calculated Parameter. Used when you need to feed an output parameter from a previously processed trial (typically a static or calibration trial) as an input parameter, eg: WandOffset = 14mm.
  4. Enter the relevant value, and select the Quantity and Unit.
  5. If you’ve defined subject measurements for the trial in Nexus, ProCalc automatically recognizes these. If you are defining a Subject Measurement as an input parameter to ProCalc, you will see the Nexus-defined subject measurements in the drop-down list below the parameter name. To automatically complete the parameter name field correctly, select the required subject parameter and then click Use.
  6. Save the scheme by clicking the Save button at the top.

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