Model parameters and static/dynamic processing

Model parameters and static/dynamic processing

Parameters can be saved out from ProCalc in two ways:

  • A Model Parameter is saved to an internal file that belongs with the data you’re processing.
  • An Export Parameter is exported to Microsoft Excel when you process the data files.

The concept of a Model Parameter is that you can calculate a static value based on one trial and use this value in other trials. This is commonly used in 3D motion capture when a static trial is captured with more markers than subsequent dynamic ones, usually because the static trial includes markers that are difficult to capture – or have a high risk of being knocked off – in the dynamic trials.

If you select the Model Parameter check box on the Parameters tab, the parameter is saved to the Session folder that you’re currently processing, and associated with the subject name. For example, if you output a point or a segment as such a model parameter, you can subsequently use this as an input variable when you define your Variables. For a more specific example: you use a static medial epicondyle marker, and you create a thigh segment coordinate system based on three or more other markers (eg, a cluster attached to the thigh). You can now save the position of the medial epicondyle marker in the thigh segment’s local coordinate system as a Model parameter. Then, you can re-create this marker as a virtual marker in a dynamic trial by transforming the local coordinate of the parameter to the global coordinate system. 

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