Calculated parameters - Groups
Sometimes you may want to calculate the same type of parameters on many different variables. You can define such parameters using the individual parameter interface described in Model parameters and static/dynamic processing, but it can quickly become cumbersome and time-consuming to do all the work. For this reason, ProCalc includes the Define Parameter Groups window, which lets you define groups of parameters quickly and easily.
Note that the parameter scheme names are shared between the individual and group parameter interfaces. The group parameter interface is simply a different way of specifying the same thing.
To configure groups of parameters:
- In the Define Parameter Groups window, select the parameter scheme to edit and click the Edit button.
- Click the Filter dropdown list, choose which type of input variable for which you want to calculate variables. For example, you could choose EulerAngle to see all the variables of this type. Note that Left variables and Right variables are grouped.
- Click on a variable. The first click will highlight the variable, and the second click will select it (a subsequent click will then de-select it). A checked variable means that at least one parameter will be calculated on the basis of it.
- In the list on the right, the top section lists the current functions. When you perform this step for the first time, the list is empty. To add a function to the list:
- In the Define New Function section at the bottom, enter a name for the function (eg, Max or ValueAtIC, IC meaning Initial Contact in this case).
- Select a function. For available functions, see Functions for defining parameters, though not all the functions available for individual parameters are available here.
- Select the input events. You can choose between Ipsi and Contra meaning "the same side" and "the opposite side", respectively. Then you can select the actual event type, either custom types or the standard Foot Contact, Foot Off and General. In other words, if you select Ipsi Foot Strike this means a Left Foot Strike event for a left-associated variable, and a Right Foot Strike for a right-associated variable.
- Select the output quantity and unit. Note that no verification is made that your selected output unit matches the input variable. If you choose incompatible units, your output parameters will not calculate correctly.
- Click Add to add the function to the list at the top.
- Select which components for which to calculate, and which sides. Note that you also have the option of calculating the "Ratio" - this is simply the left side value divided by the right.
- Optionally, you can rename the components. For example, instead of using defaults such as "HipAngleX", you can enter "HipFlexExt".
- Save before exiting.
As illustrated above, this interface lets you configure the calculation of a large number of parameters for each variable.
Note: The name of the parameter is automatically generated, so that:
For example, if you've named the first component of the HipAngles variable HipFlexExt and the function Max, the resulting parameter name will be Left_HipFlexExt_Max.