Process and calculate parameters

Process and calculate parameters

When you have set up and configured all your schemes - input parameters, calculated variables, new events and parameters - you can use these to calculate parameters from any number of motion capture trials that contain the relevant data needed by the processing, typically trajectories, events, analog data and perhaps modeled data (for example, the output from Plug-in Gait or a similar biomechanical model).

To process and calculate parameters:

  1. Decide which Input, Calculated Variables, New Events and Calculated Parameters schemes to use and select these from the drop-down menus at the bottom of the Data Management tab.
  2. Browse to the data you want to process in the Data Management tree.
  3. Mark all the trials you want to process. You can either right-click on the trial and select Mark Trial from the shortcut menu, or you can press the M key on your keyboard. You can also multi-select trials to speed up the marking process.
  4. If you choose the option to export to an existing Excel spreadsheet, the first column must contain the parameter names you want to export. ProCalc then exports the parameter values in subsequent columns. This enables you to export only a subset of parameters even if your scheme calculates many more, and also to choose the order in which the parameters are exported.
  5. You also have the option of ticking the Export Cycles tick box. In this case, a parameter is calculated for each defined cycle (as applicable), and exported separately in the Excel spreadsheet.
  6. Click the Process Marked Trials button.
    (warning) Important: There may be inter-dependencies among the schemes. For example, the parameter scheme may depend on a variable or an event calculated by another scheme. If you do not select the correct schemes, or if a scheme has been altered so that such a dependency is broken, the corresponding parameters will not be calculated.

    The calculated parameters are automatically copied to an Excel spreadsheet.

If you do not specify an existing sheet into which the parameters will be added, they are copied to a new, blank sheet. If the sheet is blank, the parameter names appear in the first column and the relevant unit in the second. In the third column, the parameter's average value appears, and in the fourth, its standard deviation. The average and standard deviation are calculated on the basis of all defined cycles for which the parameter is calculated. Optionally, in subsequent columns, the results from the individual cycles are added.

If more than one trial is exported, subsequent trials are added in columns immediately following the previous trial.

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