Troubleshooting generating VSKs with ProCalc

Troubleshooting generating VSKs with ProCalc

The following tips will help you to generate and use VSKs successfully:

  • On the Vicon ProCalc Input Parameters tab and Variables tab, make sure that you have selected the required option from the Scheme drop-down menu.
  • Make sure that the static trial has been correctly labeled.
  • Ensure that all the segments that you have defined in ProCalc have exactly the same names as the segments in the VST/VSK.
  • After you've clicked Update VSK, review the log in ProCalc.
    All markers and segments that have been updated are reported.
  • Check that the VST has only 3- or 6-degree-of-freedom links between the different segments. If the VST includes a 1- or 2-degree-of-freedom joint, replace it with a 3-degree of freedom joint.
    To do this, in Nexus, in the Subjects Resources tree, right-click the joint, and select Unlink Joint.  To re-link the two segments, use the Labeling Template Builder on the Subject Preparation Tools tab. For details, see Updating the joints in the VST.
  • To make sure that you have updated the subject after ProCalc has run:
    • Nexus 2.9 and later: Right-click the subject and select Refresh Subject then From VSK.
    • Earlier versions of Nexus: Exit and re-enter the session (or re-start Nexus).

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