Using the variable scheme to update VSKs
Using the variable scheme to update VSKs
When your variable scheme is finished, you can use it to update VSK with your new joint centers and segment orientations.
To update a VSK with the variable scheme:
- In Nexus, create a subject in the normal way (ie, from a labeling template VST file), and enter any required subject measurements.
Capture or load a static trial, and label it, either by using the Autolabel Static Frame function, or manually.
Important: It is NOT necessary to run the other operations that scale/calibrate the subject.
- When the static trial has been correctly labeled, save the trial by clicking the Save button, so that both the subject's VSK and the C3D are saved.
- In ProCalc 1.3 or later, load the trial.
- Specify any relevant Input Parameters or Variables schemes that are used in defining your model
- On the Data Management tab, click the Update VSK button.
- Review and accept any prompts that are displayed.
When the operation starts, information about the progress is output to ProCalc's log. - In Nexus, do one of the following:
- Nexus 2.9 and later: Right-click the subject and select Refresh Subject then From VSK.
or - Earlier versions of Nexus: Exit the session and open the session again (or re-start Nexus).
- Nexus 2.9 and later: Right-click the subject and select Refresh Subject then From VSK.
- In the Subject Viewer, make sure that the subject is updated.
You can now use the updated VSK to:
- Label dynamic trials.
Generate kinematics in real-time or offline.
To generate real-time kinematics, make sure the processing level in Nexus is set to Kinematic Fit (Local Vicon System > Processing Level).
To generate offline kinematics, either click the Nexus KinFit button
or run the Kinemetic Fit pipeline.
, multiple selections available,
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