New videos for Shogun 1.11
Since the previous release, the following educational materials have been produced:
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What's new in Shogun 1.11 We understand flexibility and control are key to a successful pipeline. Shogun 1.11 gives you new capabilities and customizations that provide you with greater autonomy over your volume operations and data analysis. | |
Visualize missing markers When using our low latency ObjectTracker to track a rigid object (such as hero cameras in a Virtual Production volume), any markers which are occluded and can no longer be seen are now visualized in the 3D scene. This enables you to quickly identify any issues with visibility of markers on your Object Tracked props. | |
How do I manually scale my volume calibration? This feature enables you to define the scale of your calibration, using the real-world measurements between markers in your volume. This improves calibration stability and is especially useful in large volumes if you have a fixed rigid object that you wish to consistently use to scale your calibration. |