New features in Vicon Shogun 1.12
This page contains descriptions of the new features in this release of Shogun.
Shogun Live 1.12 new features
These new features have been added to Shogun Live 1.12.
Subject Calibration Feedback panel enhancements
Subject Calibration Feedback displays information during your subject's calibration that includes :
- If any markers are missing from the specified marker set.
- The calibration status.
- If any labeling clusters have been attached to the subject.
While booting the skeleton, the subject calibration feedback also displays a list of the joint angles that have been rejected which will help the performer find a better A-pose.
In Shogun 1.12, we have enhanced this panel by introducing a series of progress bars that represent the coverage for each joint in a subject's template during a performer's Range of Motion (ROM).
A joint's range of motion is measured in terms of "coverage" (for a definition of coverage, see the Subject Calibration Feedback section in Create and calibrate a subject, found in Getting started with Vicon Shogun.)
How can this help improve my subject calibration?
In previous versions of Shogun, performers had to rely on intuition and observations of the resulting skeleton to determine the success of the calibration. This meant that performers had to complete their range of motions before finding out if changes were required as there was no way of knowing which joints required better coverage.
By reviewing these progress bars during the range of motion, you are provided with real-time feedback on which joints have good coverage and which joints require more. You can then improve your calibration by directing the performer accordingly to collect more coverage on certain joints.
For more information on the Subject Calibration Feedback panel, see the Subject Calibration Feedback section in Create and calibrate a subject, found in Getting started with Vicon Shogun.)
New character skins
When choosing a skin for a subject in Shogun Live, two new character skins called ViconActor and ViconActorFingers are available in addition to the existing male and female options.
By default, the base color of these character skins is "Vicon Blue", however, you can change the color in the Properties tab of the Tracking panel.
Support for FLIR Blackfly S USB3 cameras
Shogun Live now supports FLIR Blackfly S USB3 cameras.
You can now integrate one or two FLIR cameras into your Vicon Shogun system of up to fifty optical cameras (this system can include Vue cameras), so you can record and review footage from up to two different positions. You can calibrate FLIR cameras alongside your optical cameras and save the video footage synchronized with the capture data to VVD or MOV files. You can position FLIR cameras up to 30m from the capture PC and run them at frame rates of up to 120 fps.
Like other video data in Shogun Live, you can review the data within Shogun Post and export your video in MOV format so it can be viewed in 3D Apps like Maya and Motionbuilder.
For information on PCs suitable for running such a system, see the Advanced + Video PC specification (UK) or Advanced + Video PC specification (US).
For information on installing and running FLIR Blackfly S USB3 cameras in a Shogun system, see Set up a FLIR Blackfly S USB3 video camera in Shogun Live in Setting up video cameras for Vicon Shogun.
Shogun Post 1.12 new features
These new features have been added to Shogun Post 1.12.
New character model
As in Shogun Live, two new character skins are available in Shogun Post. These skins are called ViconActor and ViconActorFingers.
Change the base colors of the skin by opening the Attributes panel (found in the Objects menu). Change the colors of the skin using the Solving_Base_Color and Solving_Highlight_Color fields.
Paint and cut selected keys in the Graph view
With this release, you can now paint select keys in the Graph view, enabling you to quickly select bad data. You can also easily cut the selected keys using the new Cut Selected Keys button.
Before selecting any keys, enable the Paint selection tool, then paint over the keys you want to select. The corresponding keys on the other axes are automatically selected.
When the paint mode is enabled, use the same key and mouse combinations used during key selection (ie, Ctrl to add, Shift to remove). For more information, see Post - Hot keys and shortcuts in Getting started with Vicon Shogun.
Use the new Cut tool
to remove selected keys quickly.
Additional solving setup load and save options
Additional loading and saving options have been added for the solving setup in the Solving section of the Subject Setup panel.
In addition to saving the whole setup, you can save just parts of the solving setup. The following save options have been added.
Save Sides, Parts and DOFs Only
Save Bone Lengths Only
Save Constraints Only
Save Weights Only
When loading a solving setup, you can load just parts of the setup. The following load options have been added.
Load Sides, Parts and DOFs Only
Load Bone Lengths Only
Load Constraints Only
Load Weights Only