Addressed issues in Vicon Shogun 1.13

Addressed issues in Vicon Shogun 1.13

Vicon Shogun 1.13 resolves a number of issues, including the selection listed here.

Issues addressed in Shogun Live 1.13

  • You can no longer provide a name for a prop or subject that is incompatible between Shogun Live and Post.
  • The Subject calibration API sample script now asks for the correct key (press A instead of T) to accept a start pose.
  • The known issue of cluster markers not being considered from the overall marker count in the Subject Calibration Feedback panel has been addressed. In Shogun 1.13, cluster markers are deliberately not included in the overall Labeled marker count.

Issues addressed in Shogun Post 1.13

  • When you exit Shogun Post, the software no longer encounters an error and closes as expected.
  • The pose of the subject's arms is no longer affected by toggling the Pose Fingers option on or off. This option is found in the Subject Setup panel > Solving tab > Actor Setup tab, select Use Auto-Skeleton and if you select Pose Fingers (found under the advanced options for AS Calibrate).
  • If you run the SetupRetargetToUE5Mannequin script, it hides the unused bones, and also disables the degrees of freedom (DOF) on these hidden bones. This results in a big reduction in heavily dropped frames when you load the subject into Shogun Live.
  • The getControlText command now works for radio buttons and returns the text string as expected.
  • When a radio button is disabled, it appears gray to indicate it is inactive (this is now consistent with the behavior for the rest of the platform).
  • Running Autoskeleton no longer causes a hyper-extended knee.
  • In previous versions, if you were streaming any data that contained retargets, the software receiving the streamed data did not display the data. With this release, the streamed data with retargets is displayed as expected.

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