Improvements in Vicon Shogun 1.13
The following topics describe the main improvements in this release of Shogun.
Shogun Live 1.13 improvements
Shogun Live 1.13 introduces several updates to the installation process and also the solving skeletons during calibration. For more information on the solving skeleton improvements, see Shogun Post 1.13 improvements.
BlockSize increased to 34 MB
By increasing the BlockSize to 34 MB, Shogun Live can now support 4K video in DCI (4096 x 2160) and UHD (3840 x 2160) at the highest pixel depth.
Support for up to 4x Teledyne FLIR Blackfly S cameras
With this release, you can now integrate up to four FLIR USB3 Blackfly S cameras into your system of up to 50 cameras. If you do use four FLIR cameras, you will need to install a FLIR 4-Port Quad Channel USB 3.1 Host Controller Card on your PC. For more information, see Recommended FLIR Blackfly S video hardware.
Shogun Post 1.13 improvements
The following improvement has been added to Shogun Post 1.13.
Labeling improvements when booting subjects.
In both Shogun Post and Live, improvements have been made to the booting process that result in better labeling for multiple subjects. The following image compares the same scenes in Shogun 1.12 and 1.13 to highlight these improvements.
If you have two subjects that are standing far apart, the subjects boot without issue and both have a full labeling solution. The booting works as expected in both Shogun 1.12 and 1.13.
In Shogun 1.12, some users reported issues with labels booting poorly when subjects are close together. An example of such an issue can be seen in the following image.
The left panel of the following image displays the best-case scenario in Shogun 1.12 where only some of the labels are booted for the subject on the left. In the same left panel, the second subject on the right side has most of the labels booted, but one of the legs still has booting issues.
The right panel shows subjects close to each other in Shogun 1.13 and both subjects have booted successfully with complete labeling solutions.
Shogun 1.13 addresses the issues experienced by some users with booting subjects that are close together. In the comparison in the following image, you will see that Shogun 1.12 produced only a few labels for the subject on the left and most for the subject on the right. Both of these subjects require cleaning up.
In Shogun 1.13, the left subject is not booted at all, leaving it unlabeled, and instead provides much better labeling for the right subject. This greatly reduces the clean-up effort.
For further information on issues that have been addressed, see Addressed issues in Vicon Shogun 1.13.