Check video overlay
If your system includes supported video cameras, after you have completed the previous steps in the Calibrate cameras section, you can check that your video calibration is accurate by viewing a video overlay.
To check a video overlay:
In the System panel, expand the Video Cameras section and select one or more video cameras.
The Cameras view displays the video data for the selected video camera(s).
In the Cameras view, select View Filters and in the 3D Data section, select the 3D option.
In the view pane, a 3D overlay is displayed. Because this displays a flat overlay on a 3D View, the edges appear distorted.
To remove the distorted appearance, select Distort 3D. The 3D perspective is flattened to match the video.
Check that the video of the markers and the 3D perspective line up accurately.
Tip: To check your calibration, from View Filters, under Data, select Camera Rays. If you select one or more cameras, this displays lines (rays) to everything the selected camera(s) can see. If you select one or more markers, this option displays lines from all cameras that can see the selected marker(s).