Capture a wand wave
During camera calibration, after you have masked any reflections, you calibrate the cameras by waving a wand (the calibration device) throughout the volume to enable the cameras to capture movements over the whole area.
If you are calibrating one or more supported video cameras, the calibration device must be an Active Wand.
The minimum frame rate supported by the Active Wand is 50 Hz.
To capture a wand wave:
In the Camera Calibration panel, go to the Wand Wave section, display the advanced options and in the wand list, ensure the type of wand that you are using is selected (this will normally be one of the Active Wand options).
To start collecting wand data, click Wave All.
The button displays Stop and in the menu bar, the text Auto Mask Active is displayed, next to a flashing red circle.
Have someone wave the wand throughout the capture volume, covering depth as well as height, while you watch the Cameras views for all cameras to ensure you get full coverage. Ensure that the markers (LEDs) on the wand remain visible to all the cameras as much as possible while the wand is moved throughout the volume.
As an indication that sufficient wand wave data has been collected for a particular camera, the display in the each view changes from orange to blue.
In the table in the bottom half of the Camera Calibration tab, notice that the Wand Count column changes from red to green as sufficient data per camera is captured. This helps you concentrate on waving the wand for cameras that need more data.
Tip: By default, camera calibration stops automatically when each camera has seen enough of the wand to ensure calibration. To adjust this or turn it off, at the top right of the Camera Calibration tab, ensure the advanced options are displayed .
In the Image Error column below, in addition to displaying the values, Shogun Live grades the status of each camera between red (poor) and green (excellent), depending on how much the cameras see the wand.
In the volume, the display on Vicon optical cameras changes to indicate their calibration status:
Valkyrie, Vantage, Vero, Viper and ViperX cameras: The status lights turn magenta and blink during calibration, becoming green and then blue when fully calibrated.
Valkyrie and Vantage cameras only: In addition to the above changes, on the display, a progress bar indicates the fraction of the required wand data that has been received from the camera.
When enough data has been collected, Shogun Live starts processing the wand wave data. Depending on the number of cameras and the length of your wand wave capture, this may take a few minutes. The progress bar indicates the calibration progress, and table below indicates the calibration results.
In the Log, you are warned if your wand wave has insufficient spread across cameras to give a good calibration. The warning displays both the camera User ID (the number you can provide for the camera in the camera's properties, and URN (the Device ID, found in the camera's Advanced properties ).
When the wand wave is finished, an .xcp and an .x2d file is created in C:\ProgramData\Vicon\Calibrations. If your calibration included Vicon video cameras, two x2d files are created. The files are:
LatestCalibration.x2d, which contains the wand wave without any Vicon video cameras
LatestCalibration_withVideo.x2d, which contains the wand wave including Vicon video cameras.
After a wand wave, Vicon video cameras do not produce video files as they are not needed for calibration.