Set the volume origin
After you have captured a wand wave, set the volume origin and axes so the cameras and volume in Shogun Live reflect the actual positions of the cameras in relation to the capture volume, (as well as to each other).
To see the axes in relation to the volume, in the Workspace, change the view to 3D View.
Place the calibration device on the capture volume floor in the position you want the volume origin to be and in the orientation you want the axes to be (reflected in the axes displayed in the 3D View). Typically, this calibration device is an Active Wand.
X: red line
Y: green line
Z: blue line
In the Camera Calibration panel, go to the Wand Wave section, ensure the advanced options are displayed and in the wand list, ensure the appropriate Active Wand is selected.
Tip: If you're working in a Y-up coordinate system, go to the Volume Setup section, display the Advanced properties and select Legacy Y-Up Scene Orientation.
In the Volume Setup section, click Start Set Origin.
After a few seconds, click Set Origin.
In the 3D View, display the View Filters and in the Volume options, ensure that Cameras is selected.
In the 3D View, Perspective view, all of the cameras shift as a group, so the origin of the capture volume is aligned with the wand.
Set the origin with a custom L-frame
To improve calibration stability and consistency over time, you can use a custom L-frame to set the origin of your system.
As described in Set the volume origin, you can use a Vicon Active Wand to set up your volume coordinate system quickly and easily. However, using a larger, custom calibration object (in this case, markers embedded in the volume floor and/or wall) can improve calibration stability and consistency over time.
A typical way to use a custom L-frame would be to keep markers on a wall, hidden during camera masking, then when you're ready to set the coordinate system for your volume, make the markers visible and use the custom L-Frame as described in the following steps.
See also: Vicon Shogun 1.3 Live Tutorial - Custom L-Frame Workflow on YouTube.
To create a custom L-frame:
With the system calibrated, set the origin as normal (see Set the volume origin), including setting the floor offset (see Set the floor plane), as required.
Position a number of markers on the edge of the volume and select them.
In the Tracking panel (displayed as a tab on the right in the Default layout), click the Setup tab, enter a name for the custom L-frame and click Create.
The new custom L-frame prop is displayed in the 3D View.
Pause the real-time and in the Tracking panel on the right, select the prop you just created.
To display the Object Manipulator, press M. (For more information on the Object Manipulator, see Move props.) In the Workspace (3D View), the Object Manipulator is displayed.
It is important to reset the object's position before exporting. In the Tracking panel on the right, ensure that the custom L-frame is still selected. Then set the Object Manipulator to Global and change all the values to zero, so the origin matches that of the L-frame. Click the activated buttons to reset the origin.
In the Tracking panel, with the custom L-Frame selected, right-click and then select Export.
Navigate to Users\Public\Documents\Vicon\CalibrationObjects and click Select Folder.
The custom L-frame is automatically saved as a VSK.
To use the custom L-frame:
Click the Play button or Exit Review to resume the real time.
In the Camera Calibration panel, go to the Volume Setup section and ensure the advanced options are displayed .
To the left of the wand list, ensure the Synchronize button is not selected .
In the wand list, select the new custom L-frame.
Click Set Origin.
The new custom L-frame is used to set the origin.