Set up analog devices

Set up analog devices

The Devices node is displayed on the System tab under the Local Vicon System node when Vicon Tracker is connected to a Vicon system with at least one additional device (a device that is not a camera or a connectivity unit).

Analog devices such as accelerometers are connected to the Vicon system via a Lock Lab. You add analog devices to the Vicon system by right-clicking on the Devices node and selecting Add Generic Analog.

The Generic Analog node lets you select the options for your device.

You can only use an analog device with Tracker if you have the required license. For more information, contact Vicon Support.

To use an analog device with Tracker:

  1. Ensure that the analog device is connected to your Vicon system through a Lock Lab.
  2. In Tracker, on the System tab, right-click Devices, point to Add Analog Device, and then click Add Generic Analog. A Generic Analog device appears beneath Devices.
  3. Right-click Generic Analog and from the list, select your analog device.
  4. To add outputs for the device, on the System tab, right-click the device and click the number of components to add.
  5. To change the properties of the output, edit the appropriate property in the Properties pane, for example:
    • Name
    • A scaling factor from the voltage input to desired output
    • Analog input pin
    • Channel gain
  6. To change the options for viewing data in the Graph view, in the view pane, select Graph and then choose the appropriate option from the menu.

    (tick) Tip: You can receive the raw analog data and relevant device information through the DataStream SDK.

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